Page 42 of Wine and Gods
Acting on instinct, Nadir drew Azimuth’s invocation sigil in the night air, imbuing it with her focus. Watching the icy blue glow, she grinned in anticipation, waves of heat rolling off her body and shimmering into the air around her like an aura.
She needed Az here, with her. Now.
Moments later, he ported into the glen, his blue-white nimbus illuminating the arboreal space with cool, stark tones.
“You called?” he asked, his eyes scanning the surrounding forest before focusing in on Nadir. She relished the way his aquamarine gaze lingered on her curves. “I didn’t expect to hear from you so soon, not that I mind.”
Nadir moved toward him, a definitive swagger in her steps. “I hadn’t planned to, but then I came to this place and experienced a sudden craving for your presence.” Nadir pressed her body against his, her hands sliding around his waist and up his back under his loose t-shirt.
He wrapped his arms around her, and Nadir relished the sensation of his fingers tracing the curve of her lower back. “This is an unusual location for a rendezvous.”
Nadir shrugged. “This place has a certain something. But the mood hits when it hits.” She brushed her lips from his collarbone and up along the nape of his neck, nibbling gently along the route until she could reach no higher, seeking his lips, waiting for him to bend down to her reach.
“Does it, my sweet?” he asked, dipping his head lower yet holding his lips just beyond contact. His arms were wrapped around her, the tips of his fingers running down her spine.
“It really does,” Nadir answered, grinding her hips against his in wanton demand, dragging her fingernails across his muscular, rippled back. Lifting herself up on her toes, she tried to reach his lips, but he backed his head out of range, his eyes sparkling.
“Why are you here, in this remote forest glen, so far away from the city?” he whispered, coming in close to her again. His lips were mere microns from her own, and as they breathed, one out and the other in, they shared the intimacy of one continuous breath.
Nadir reveled in his presence, in the perfect pressure of his fingertips against the curve of her hip, his grazing touch across the swell of her breast. “I was following someone, but that’s not important. Kiss me. Now.”
His eyes narrowed, lips curling into a wolfish grin. “No, not yet, pet.”
Frustration shot through Nadir, fresh waves of heat pouring off her body. “But why not, Az? Please?” She pouted, focusing her attention on undoing his belt buckle. She would not be denied!
Az didn’t stop her, but confusion furrowed his brow. “You’re begging me?” he barked out a laugh. “Well then, this is indeed unfamiliar territory.”
Conquering his belt buckle, Nadir let out a triumphant growl and undid his pants and slip her hand inside.
“Oh, I’m quite certain I’ve been here before,” she growled, sliding her hand down the length of his swollen manhood. “And this feels like something I’m well acquainted with.”
He groaned, grinding his hips against her hand, fisting a handful of her hair as he pulled her body against his length. “That you are, pet. But you didn’t answer my question. Who did you follow?”
“What are you even talking about?” Nadir didn’t care. All that mattered was his flesh and her growing hunger for his touch. “Don’t be so difficult.”
His fingers traced her jawline, brushing his thumb across the swell of her lower lip. “I mean, lovely, that you’re not acting at all like yourself. You said you followed someone here. Tell me who you were following, and why?”
“Oh, you mean the god-touched human, Erin?” Nadir panted against his ear, hungering for him with an uncommon level of intensity, even for her inner succubus. She nibbled his ear, barely realizing her canines had fanged out before narrowly avoiding breaking his skin.
She groaned in frustration and backed against a nearby pine, pulling him along. The tree shuddered with the impact of their bodies, causing a light rain of needles to cascade down around them. “I can’t think straight. Take me hard, now. I’ll explain more after.”
Az chuckled, managing the removal of her pants with daemon-gifted speed. “I accept your terms.”
The pine creaked with the force of his thrust as he entered her, and Nadir sighed in relief. Arms gripping his shoulders, she gazed into his azure eyes, dimly aware of the brilliant intensity of their combined energy painting the glen around them with shades of his icy blue and her own waves of rosy light.
Time held suspended for them, lost in the moment together.
Nadir felt herself tighten around him, grinding furiously against his flesh, insatiable for his contact. Crying out in pleasure, a shock wave rippled out from her body, and Az groaned in pleasure a moment later as he reached his own completion.
Aware of her breathing slowing and the temperature slowly returning to normal, Nadir looked around the forest, clarity re-entering her consciousness.
“Feel better?” He pulled away, refastening his pants.
Az retrieved her pants and handed them back to her, and Nadir slid them on. “Much better, thanks. I can’t understand why I got so overcome so quickly. Usually, my hunger is a bit more predictable.”
He brushed a hand across her cheek, concern knitting his brow. Az sniffed the air, casting his gaze around the meadow. “This place has a distinct energetic charge; there’s such an intense raw sensuality and power in the air. I’m not at all surprised that it triggered your lust aspect. Can you tell me more about this Erin you followed up here?”
Nadir ran a hand through her hair, pulling the wild locks away from her face. “She found me at a cafe in the city and we talked for a while. I think Erin is god-touched, but she’s not connected to the typical corporate types like the rest of them. She ran off from our conversation, compelled, and I was curious and so followed her. By the time I’d caught up, she was gone, but the scent and energy here captivated me.”