Page 48 of Wine and Gods
Erin slid across into the middle seat, her body flush against his, aware of a sudden spike in body heat between them. The scent of his cologne filled her nostrils, and she felt her heart racing with anticipation. She wanted him, craved him, and didn’t care about the risks. Blaine’s gaze met her own, and she had the sudden impression that Blaine preferred the role of hunter to prey. Surely, as a man of his status, he’d become used to women flirting with him. Or did she unnerve him?
She crossed her legs, pressing her thighs against his. She leaned in and asked, in a breathy tone, “What’s it like to work for Zeus?” while running the fingers of her left hand across his collar and down the buttons of his shirt.
He watched her movements without reciprocating or rebuffing her overt invitation, letting Erin absentmindedly play with the seam of his jacket.
He narrowed his gaze. “What do you mean?”
Was he oblivious to her efforts? Had serving Zeus made him into a man of stone? Recalling the tales of legend she’d read in her youth, Zeus was known as a womanizer. How did the mayor compare to his revered deity?
Surely, he wasn’t celibate.
Erin pressed on, pulling his jacket, drawing him ever closer, so the next words she spoke fanned against his cheek, as if she were whispering a secret to a close friend. “What’s the father of the gods like? I’d imagine he’s the demanding sort.”
Blaine chuckled and then shook his head. “As one would predictably expect, of course he is. But then, all the gods are in their own ways.” He shifted in his seat, as if to create more space between them, but moved against her most deliciously. “I have a theory about the god-devotee dynamic.”
Erin didn’t doubt he did. Her curiosity to understand his theory warred with her desire for Blaine’s touch. This man read as a consummate game player who had a theory for everything. She’d even bet he had a printed playbook for every scenario. She felt the corner of her mouth curl, noticing how his eyes were drawn to it before slowly returning to her eyes. “Which is?”
“Gods are demanding, most definitely, but only in proportion to our objectives. Those of us who expect glorious rewards from our devotion to the gods must deliver the commensurate sacrifices and offerings.”
Erin wondered what sacrifices Blaine had made. What offerings he had given to the gods. Had he ever given himself over completely to the divine?
“Tell me,” she asked, her voice husky with desire. “What kind of sacrifices have you made?”
Blaine’s eyes flashed with a sudden intensity, and Erin felt her body respond to the heat in his gaze. She could tell he was pondering her question, weighing his words before he spoke. “I’ve given up things that most people would consider essential,” he drawled. “Things like time, money, personal relationships. I’ve devoted myself completely to the service of the gods, and in return, Zeus has granted me power and influence beyond what I ever could have dreamed.”
Erin felt a thrill run through her at his words, imagining the sway she could wield in this city as a devotee of Dionysos. But she was also suddenly aware of the danger inherent in such a path, the risks she would have to take to achieve her goals. She wondered if Blaine had ever felt that fear, if he had ever doubted his own devotion to the gods.
From the conviction in his gaze, Erin doubted Blaine was the type to do anything half-heartedly or falter in his convictions.
Blaine’s eyes darkened, and he leaned in closer to her, his lips lightly brushing against her ear as he spoke. “If you want something, sacrifice for it. Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices, Erin?”
Erin didn’t hesitate. “Yes,” she whispered back. “I’ll do whatever it takes.” She’d take on the city council, starting with the mayor himself, to bring relief to this city. She’d take them all on, burning their rules and regulations to the ground, starting with Blaine.
Blaine’s lips curled into a sly smile. “Good girl.” He reached for her, his hands gripping her waist as he pulled her in for a searing kiss. Erin moaned against his lips, her body responding eagerly as he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth. She felt the heat between them growing, and she knew that this was just the beginning of a dangerous and exhilarating game.
As their lips parted, Blaine’s hands wandered, his fingers tracing the curves of her body, igniting a fire within her. He pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes with a hunger that mirrored her own. “I can give you what you want, Erin,” he murmured. “But you have to be willing to pay the price.”
Erin nodded, her breath coming in quick gasps. “I’ll do whatever it takes,” she repeated, unable to deny the desire coursing through her veins. “Just tell me what I need to do.”
Blaine’s smile was wicked as he leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear. “Swear fealty to me in front of the council,” he whispered. “That will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind about your commitment.”
Erin’s heart stuttered, a defiant streak roaring to life in the back of her mind. Did he actually think she’d cave into his demands if he got her hot and bothered? The conviction that she’d never bow to him rolled over Erin, although Erin wasn’t sure why. It was Blaine’s city, which she didn’t even want. Just the club.
Two could play at this game.
“Once I swear to you, then I can have my club?”
His lips ran along her neck, a whisper of stubble rasping against her skin.
“Yes,” he murmured. “You can have your club.” He planted a kiss at the hollow of her throat. “Once you prove your loyalty to me, you can have that and so much more.”
Erin’s mind was racing, her resolve faltering. She wanted the club more than anything, but not at this cost. She still might give in one day, but today was not that day. She knew this was a dangerous game, but she couldn’t help the thrill that ran through her. She would do whatever it took to get what she wanted, including negotiating with this tempting man.
“Okay,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Blaine pulled back, his eyes glittering with satisfaction. “Good,” he said. “I’ll arrange everything.”
Erin’s stomach clenched as she realized the gravity of what she had just started. She knew there would be no going back once she had sworn her loyalty to Blaine, which was why she’d delay the act as long as possible. But with the club in her possession, she would risk Blaine’s wrath by leading him to think she was on board with his plans.