Page 7 of Wine and Gods
A Burner conclave, that must be it! He’d heard how they behaved like animals, dressing in wild, barely there costumes and partying until the dawn.
But how had he gotten here? And what would bring him, the Mayor of Denver, to such an uncivilized place beyond the safety of city walls? Imagine the disapproval of his council members if they knew. A vote of no confidence would be assured, and surely some would contest his leadership.
Just then, an athletic female form spun past, her lithe body a shadow backlit by the firelight. The glow of god-touched sigils illuminated her form, but Blaine couldn’t make them out through the movement of the other dancers. Pushing forward into the fray to get a better look, Blaine was swept along with the rhythm of the drums, the swaying of bodies around him, and the building energy of the crowd.
The full-body sensation was electrifying.
Blaine kept catching glimpses of the woman’s form as she danced, a wild, fearless, and potent energy encapsulating every movement. As she moved around the circle, the firelight played off her skin, casting light on the sheen of sweat across her chest. She wore a simple t-shirt and a set of faded shorts, her bare feet and calves covered with dust, a testament to the intensity of her frenzied dancing this evening.
She rounded the fire again, and by mere chance, the woman looked up and their gazes met. His breath momentarily caught in his chest. She made a beeline for him through the crowd. Was it his imagination, or did they part before her like a river around a stone? A wicked grin played across her face as she consumed him with her eyes. Her tongue flicked out to capture a stray drop of wine that was caught on her lower lip.
The woman came to a stop just inches away, her intense focus captivating him. Blaine was consumed by the desire to feel her skin under his touch, to taste the sweat on her throat, to claim her lips. Never had a woman elicited such raw emotions within him.
“What’s someone like you doing at a bacchanal like this?” Her voice was a raspy whisper that sent a shiver through him.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he countered, his voice deeper than he expected.
Her laughter rang out, carrying the power of her self-assurance with it. “I just woke up here. But now I wouldn’t have it any other way. This night, the creatures I’ve met, it’s all so extraordinary!”
Her surprise mirrored his own, and yet she seemed completely at ease amid the surrealistic atmosphere of the gathering.
“That’s how it is in dreams, lovely. This wonderland carnival promises delights of the most exquisite kind,“ he responded, trying to hide the curiosity that was sparked in him.
The sound of her joyful laughter echoed in the room as she drew closer, her gaze sparkling with mischievous delight. “Exquisite, you say?”
The electricity in the air seemed to crackle as she leaned closer, her question a whisper in the space between them. He met her halfway, the intensity of their connection manifesting in a searing kiss. The kiss was a wildfire, burning away the last vestiges of his self-restraint. He wanted her; his need echoed in the depths of his being. This woman was an adventure he hadn’t expected, but was ready to explore.
The intensity of their emotions grew quickly, sparks igniting between them as they exchanged passionate kisses and gentle touches. He found himself swept up in the whirling storm of sensations. His hands moved over her body with a fervor that mirrored hers. Her heart pounded against his chest, matching the rhythm of their shared desire. The ragged breaths they shared only heightened the intensity of their encounter, creating a symphony that rivaled the wild party around them.
He was enthralled by her, by the contours of her body under his touch, by the thrilling responses she provoked in him. Her body was a siren’s song, enticing him further into the depth of his desire. His arousal was clear, and he could feel the matching heat within her. The thought that someone might watch didn’t faze him. After all, wasn’t this just a dream?
Just as he allowed himself to be completely consumed by their shared passion, a loud outburst tore them away from their blissful state.
Just then, a grove of nymphs approached and dragged the woman out of his arms and off into the trees. Blaine soon lost sight of her.
He hadn’t even caught her name. Not that it mattered, since it was all just a dream.
Nadir, also known as Meriwether Storm, daemon summoner extraordinaire, lounged at her favorite street café, watching children play in the autumn leaves in the park across the street. Their carefree laughter rang through the crisp mid-morning air, blending with the bustling sounds of the café and the occasional gust of wind rustling the trees. Her bagel sat untouched on the plate, the scent of toasted sesame seeds teasing her nostrils as she sipped absently at her steaming latte.
She caught a whiff of Azimuth’s familiar vanilla and musk scent on the breeze and grinned. He pulled out a chair opposite hers without a word. Nadir took in the guise of his human form, one of the few times she could view the extensive daemon ink he’d had before turning Liminal. His sandy blond hair was the same cut and style—long in front but short in back—as it was in daemon form, his face the same. His marked skin even had a whisper of a tan.
“You almost look normal in that human form, Azimuth. Almost,” Nadir teased, grinning foolishly. “To what do I owe the pleasure? You’ve been so knee-deep in research I didn’t think you could get away.”
“I needed a well-earned break. I hadn’t seen you all day, and I figured I knew where to find you.”
Nadir grinned. “Caught red-handed.”
Azimuth raised a brow. “What have you been noodling over at this café? It’s a pleasant enough environment, but this is the third time this week you’ve visited.”
Nadir considered her words, knowing she owed her partner Azimuth more than a half answer. He had been bound to Belial, a Prince of Sheol, for far longer than she. Nadir realized Az and her other cabal-mates had grown so accustomed to their sire’s often psychotic behavior that they’d also become numb to his abuses. In contrast, every time Belial spoke down to her, ordered her about, or otherwise treated her as an animate tool devoid of emotions or opinions, was a fresh cut to the sliver of a soul she had left. But Azimuth hadn’t earned her ire today, so she held back, hoping her mood might take on the sun’s sunny disposition by some act of magic.
“I suppose I’ve been avoiding Belial. I know I swore an oath of loyalty to him and the cabal, but if I’m not around, he can’t demand things from me. Besides, I know you can always find me if you need me.” Azimuth arched his brow, and Nadir expected to get a lecture, but just then, her phone rang. She pulled it out of the back pocket of her pants, checking the caller ID. “Saved by the bell.” Annamie. She shot Azimuth a pointed look before answering.
“Hello, old friend. What’s the occasion?”