Page 71 of Wine and Gods
“So then, it’s just about her being here in the city?”
“I worry about what Dionysos has planned for the city, and thus for all of us. To have his devotee appear overnight, as powerful as he’s made her, makes me question where all of this is going. Plus, Erin is so new to the life of a god-touched, she doesn’t really understand the risks or responsibilities that have been thrust upon her.”
“It’s a good thing she has you to mentor her then, isn’t it?”
Blaine sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Is that what I’m doing? Mentoring her? That woman won’t listen to a damned thing I say.”
Jake smiled knowingly. “I get the impression she’s listening more than you think, sir. I’ve seen the way she looks at you when you speak. She values your opinion and advice, even if she doesn’t always follow it.”
That gave Blaine pause for thought. He supposed it was possible that Erin was paying more attention to him than he gave her credit for. Still, he couldn’t help but feel a certain amount of responsibility for helping Erin navigate this new life of hers. If the gods saw fit to put her in his path and entrust him with her care, then surely he should do all that he could to ensure her safety and well-being while she stayed in Denver. With renewed determination, Blaine decided he would do whatever it took to help Erin and make sure she had the guidance and support she needed.
As they rounded the Temple grounds, Blaine’s sharp eyes caught the suspicious movements of Maria, Daniel, and Tom moving through the gardens. The three council members were huddled together, whispering to a group of people who wore expressions of determination and malice.
“Those three skulking around in the shadows can’t be good. Jake, park the car,” Blaine ordered, his voice tense. Jake complied without question, and Blaine exited the vehicle, keeping a cautious distance from the scheming council members.
Three figures moved amongst the shadows of the moonlit night, their faces hidden by hooded cloaks. Blaine’s gaze darted between the strangers and the indomitable statue of Dionysos that overlooked the Temple grounds. Fear pulsed through him as he watched them conspiring. Their arms were animated with urgency as they pointed toward the temple, aiming to cause chaos in this sacred place.
Maria, her eyes glowing like the sun god Apollo, used his power to warm up the bronze of the statue, making it more malleable. Its outer surface undulated and glittered like liquid in the firelight. Daniel, inspired by Ares, infused his followers with an invigorating energy. Tom, a devotee of Hephaestus, distributed adzes he had crafted himself to the people who accepted them gladly.
Blaine felt a wave of emotions wash over him as he slowly grasped the magnitude of their deceit. He wanted to turn and run away, but he knew he could not stay silent and let them continue with their destruction of the Temple. He felt his heart pounding and beads of sweat forming on his forehead, but taking a deep breath, he walked forward and shouted, “Stop this now! Get out of here right away!”
The council members and the vandals stared, their expressions a mix of fear and disbelief. Blaine’s jaw clenched and his eyes darkened as he crept closer to the group, the air becoming thick with tension.
Blaine stood rigidly before the council members, his finger pointed accusingly at them. His face was a hard mask of anger, and his gaze shifted from one member to another. “You’re undermining my authority and betraying the trust of the people,” he spat.
Maria stood tall and proud, a confident smirk curled across her lips. “The Temple is a threat to our entire way of life, Blaine, and yet you remain idle. We will take matters into our own hands if need be.”
Blaine gritted his teeth, fighting to maintain his composure. “This is not how things are done in my town,” he said, his voice low and dangerous. “Underhanded tactics have no place here.”
The council members looked at each other, their faces betraying both fear and indignation. Maria stepped forward, her eyes flashing with defiance.
Maria sneered, her lips upturned into a spiteful grin. “You’re just mad because we’re giving the new girl in town a hard time,” she said. “We were all put through tougher challenges when we first arrived here, so why should it be any different for her? Is that why you’ve been treating her differently? Is your opinion about her clouding your judgment?”
Blaine remained silent to Maria’s allegations, instead warning her with a stern tone. “You’re playing with fire, Maria,” he said. “This is not like you.”
Daniel’s laugh was like a thunderclap, echoing around them in the dimly lit chamber. He leaned forward, speaking through gritted teeth. His clenched fists shimmered with energy and power, charged with imminent violence. “You can’t protect Erin and the Temple all the time, Blaine. You’ll slip up, eventually.”
Ignoring their jabs, Blaine focused on the vandals, his face a mask of cold fury. His words were steely and direct. “I said get out!” The vandals fled, casting fearful glances back at Blaine as they scrambled away. The council members collectively shrank back, bracing themselves for Blaine’s reaction.
With a final, seething glance at Maria, Daniel, and Tom, Blaine turned on his heel and walked back to the car. The broken gravel crunched underfoot as he strode past the others. His fists were clenched so tightly that they turned white with the pressure. “I need to report some vandalism to Erin,” he told Jake, his voice thick with emotion. The words were clipped and tight, like a rubber band stretched too far. His eyes blazed with fury as he swept his gaze over the group one last time. “I won’t be long.” He kicked at a small rock as he made his way toward the parking lot, sending it hurtling through the air in a spray of dirt and pebbles.
Jake’s eyebrows furrowed as he locked eyes with Blaine. His expression softened, and he nodded subtly. “I’ll be here as long as it takes to work things out,” he said, his voice strong and certain.
With every step toward the temple, Blaine’s heart thudded in his chest. He could almost feel Jake’s words weighing on his shoulders as he thought of all the ways he wanted to protect Erin and the Temple. But then again, it was his responsibility as mayor to stay objective, regardless of how he felt. He struggled with the thought of what was right and what wasn’t as he trudged forward.
Erin walked the bustling temple’s courtyard’s cobblestone grounds, the air thick with anticipation and excitement. The warm, sultry air enveloped her as she made her way through the crowd of enthusiastic patrons. The vibrant music and laughter filled her ears, and the taste of incense, mixed with the tang of alcohol, lingered on her tongue.
“Quite the party, isn’t it?” a voice called out from the crowd. Erin turned to see a young man smirking at her, his eyes twinkling with mischief. She smiled back, feeling invigorated by the atmosphere.
As she made her way upstairs to her room, the dull thud of bass reverberating through the floorboards, Erin quickly changed into a wisp of an outfit that allowed her to dance freely. Part tube top and part boy short, sheer, dark, forest green panels hung floor-length from both, giving an illusion of a dress while also revealing a lot of skin. Her flat-soled boots hugged her legs, begging her to pound her feet to the rhythm echoing through the temple. As she emerged from the dressing area, her body tingled with the urge to invoke her maenadic powers.
The music thundered through Erin’s body, its relentless beat pounding insistently in her veins. She looked out over the dance floor, feeling totally in her element. Closing them again, she took a deep breath and let the energy surge through her. A wild, primal force that demanded release.
A sudden gust of wind seemed to swirl around Erin, causing her hair to stand on end. But even as she gave over to the rush of energy, Erin realized she didn’t control it; the maenadic energy had a mind of its own, bursting forth and rippling out into the crowd.