Page 16 of The Beta's Heart
“I’m sure,” she said with a shrug. “Not any that I’ve ever known, though.”
Which meant he’d be an anomaly. Except she was one here, too. There weren’t any fairies in Wilde Creek. There was a reindeer, which was different than a wolf, but hardly the same as a powerful fairy who could fly like a bird and cut a hole through the realm with a thought.
He brought her hand to his lips. “How about we stay here a week and then go to your place for a week?”
“It’ll be okay with the pack and your business to be gone for a week?”
“Sure, we can take vacations. That’s why there are other ranked males around. Not only can Sam fill in the gaps for me, but I also have several great mechanics who can handle the day-to-day routine for a bit. What about you?”
“Well, first I need to tell my father about you, so he knows why I’ll be MIA for a while. But my job entails me creating with my power, and I can do that anywhere.” She looked to where the grass edged the concrete patio and moved her free hand in a slow stroke, like she was painting with an invisible paintbrush. The grass lengthened quickly in response to her movements, rising swiftly by inches. Buried in the dark greens was a single dandelion. As quickly as the yellow flower had risen with the grass, it receded until it was as it had been before, green and trimmed short, with no weeds in sight.
It took a moment for him to find his voice at the sight of her power. As easily as he might crack his knuckles, she’d made plants grow and fade.
He was one lucky bastard.
“Fucking amazing, sweetheart.”
She smiled. “I like dandelions.”
“Could you make any flower grow?”
“Sure. My favorites are fairy roses and bluebells, but there’s something very cool about dandelions. They growanywhereand say, ‘screw you’ to herbicide. I saw a dandelion growing out of a brick wall once.”
“Will your dad like me or will he be mad that I’m not a fairy?”
“I hope he’ll like you. My dad is old fashioned, but he’s not a Neanderthal. He lets me make my own way.”
He’d never worried about a female’s parents liking him or not. Now, it mattered a whole hell of a lot. Her father had raised her, and Ren wanted him to approve of their mating.
“Should we go to your place now and pack a bag, and meet with your father?”
“So quick to jump into the fire?” she asked, her voice tinged with humor.
“If we’re going to Acksel and Brynn’s for dinner, I want to have time to spend with your father, so he doesn’t feel like I’m just trying to sweep you out of his life.”
“Well, it might have been helpful if I’d told him about the dream.” She stood and stretched, her shirt rising to give him a tantalizing view of her stomach. He was tempted to bury his face in her stomach, pull her close and never let her go, but if he did that, they’d never get back to her home for the all-important meet the parent. He didn’t want to start off on the wrong foot with her dad.
He rose to his feet, and she opened a portal. When they’d cleared the portal, she closed it behind them. He looked over his shoulder where the opening had been and there was no evidence of anything there. He turned around and realized they weren’t at her cottage but instead, in front of a stone mansion. Wide marble steps gleamed in the sunlight, leading to ornately carved double doors. There were giant columns on either side of the door, which were twined with lustrous green ivy.
“Is this your dad’s place?”
“Yeah. Sorry, I should have warned you. I’m not sure how long dad will want to talk, but I thought it would be better if we started here and then went to pack.”
Before he could answer, the front door swung open, and a large male stood in the opening. His wings were snow white and tipped with copper, his arms were folded across a massive chest, and his eyes were such a bright green color they appeared to be glowing.
Ren was no slouch in the muscles department. He’d worked hard to hone his body for strength and power. But this male…he was an entirely different animal.
Or fae. As it were.
“Hi, Dad,” Kismet said, taking Ren’s hand and leading him up the grand marble staircase.
“You usually portal into the house,” he said.
“Well, I didn’t want to pop in unannounced with another person.” They stopped at the top of the stone porch, just feet from the large male. “Dad, this is my truemate, Ren Corbin. Ren, this is my father, E’lahn Thorburn.”
The male’s rigid posture didn’t change a bit. It didn’t even look like he was breathing.
“I see,” E’lahn said.