Page 18 of The Beta's Heart
“It is certainly not the way of mine.”
This time Ren let his wolf go and didn’t try to hide the disapproving growl. “Kismet is mine. Nothing is more important to me than her happiness and safety. I don’t really care if you like me or not, becauseshelikes me, and she’s my whole world now. I guess if you don’t like it, that’s on you. I may not be a fae, but I’m a warrior in my own right and I’ll be damned if you’re going to look down on me because we followed our hearts when we met.”
E’lahn’s nostrils flared, his eyes flickering bright green. Then he started to chuckle. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
Ren frowned. “Excuse me?”
“I wondered what sort of male you were, but I can see quite clearly you’re exactly what my daughter needs.”
“I thought you didn’t approve.”
He shrugged. “Kismet is her own person. When she was growing up, I’d hoped she would choose a military male like myself, someone strong and protective. It didn’t occur to me she might find a mate outside of our kind. Clearly, you’re exactly the right mate for her. There are high-ranked military males who wouldn’t have the balls to say half of what you just did to me.”
“So that was a test?”
“Of sorts. Kismet brought you here to meet me, so you’re important to her. You’re mated, so that makes us family. You’ll marry her?”
“Of course.”
“It would be prudent for you to ask me for permission for at leastonething related to my only daughter.”
“I will.”
Ren could hear Kismet hurrying toward them. She entered the room with a tray, and he jumped up to take it from her. He set it down on the coffee table and sat next to her on the couch.
“Everything okay?” she asked, her gaze darting back and forth between them.
“You bet,” Ren said. “No worries, sweetheart.”
She gave him a half smile. “I wasn’t worried.”
“Liar,” he murmured.
E’lahn laughed. “He’s got your number, daughter of mine.”
* * *
“All right, let’s not have you two ganging up on me,” she said.
“Promise,” Ren said.
She fixed tea for the three of them, and said, “So?”
“Where are you planning to live?” her dad asked.
Of course, that would be the first thing he asked.
“We’re still working out the logistics,” she said. She took a sip of tea and then put the cup down. “We’ll need to figure it out, but I’m expecting to need to be with the wolves because of the pack.”
Her father settled back in the chair, the delicate porcelain cup looking even more breakable in his large hand. “What are you in the pack?” he asked.
“Ah, second. Do you have illusions of taking over some day?”
“No. I’m content to be the beta.”
“What do you do to support yourself?”