Page 25 of The Beta's Heart
“Not at all. I just like watching the sun come up.”
He turned his gaze to the sky. “I’ve always been partial to sunsets, but I think that’s because my wolf likes the night.”
“What’s on the schedule for the day?”
“The shop isn’t open on Sundays, so the day is ours. What would you like to do?”
Her mind flitted to the bedroom immediately, and her body flushed with warmth, but she tamped down the urge to take her mate to bed and do anythingbutleave the room. They couldn’t just stay in bed all the time.
Well, they could, but it wasn’t exactly realistic.
“What do you usually do on Sundays?”
He hummed in thought. “Well, normally on Saturday nights I’m at Poke’s with some pack members and that goes late, so I sleep in and then maybe grab a late breakfast at Luna’s. I save Sundays for pack stuff that needs to be handled. I’m heading up a training program for young wolves and it’s supposed to start this week. I have a handful of males helping me out, but I need to be ready for that to start.”
“Is there anything I can help with?” she asked.
“Not unless you know how to throw a punch.”
“Well, it depends on the situation.” She made fists and jabbed the air a few times. “I might just call for some vines to wrap up whoever is trying to hurt me and then run away.”
He barked out a laugh. “Could you really do that?”
“Sure. I could split the earth and make a big chasm if I wanted to. My father taught me how to defend myself with a sword, but I was never really inclined to work hard on it. He let me focus on my powers for defense.”
“That would be cool as hell to see. Of course, I hope you’re never in any danger.”
“Me, too.”
He stood and offered her his hand. “How about we grab a shower and go have breakfast. Then I can get some work done and we can do something special tonight.”
“Special? Like naked special?”
His eyes flared amber. “What are you, psychic?”
“I just enjoy having my truemate.”
They walked into the house and he let out a playful growl. “Me too, sweetheart.”
* * *
Luna’s was busy, but a male waved at them when they walked into the restaurant and said, “Let me clear this table for you.”
“Thanks, Zander. By the way, this is my mate, Kismet.”
Zander smiled as he filled a dish tub with the dishes. “Nice to meet you. My parents own this place, and they told me they met your truemate.”
“Zander’s a protector,” Ren said to Kismet.
“Neat,” Kismet said.
Zander wiped the table down fast and then set it with napkin-wrapped silverware and glasses of ice water. A female came over to hand them menus and Zander excused himself and disappeared.
“Morning. What can I get you to drink?”
“Dang it, I forgot the herbal tea,” Kismet said.
“Paula just bought some yesterday. We have a few varieties, I’ll bring them out, so you can pick.”