Page 35 of The Beta's Heart
She laughed. “I have to tell Ren, first. We can’t go naming the baby yet.”
“I’m so happy for you,” her mother said.
“Don’t tell anyone until I tell Ren,” Kismet said.
“Of course,” her mother said. “Your father will be happy for you, too, I’m sure.”
“Thanks, Mom.” She hugged her mother and brother, then found Rich and thanked him for the test. She portaled to Ren’s home just as he sent a text to her.
She didn’t know how long he’d be, but she couldn’t wait to share the news with him. Since she’d teased him by text that she might be naked when he came home, she decided to dress up the master bedroom with some pretty flowers first.
After grabbing her thin shears from her bag, she walked out onto the back patio and toed off her shoes, walking out onto the sun-warmed grass and reaching out with her powers to see what flowers were dormant underground. As she walked the yard, she found patches of lilies, varieties of roses, and even the roots of an old lilac bush. She gently brought the ancient plants to life and used the shears to snip blooms of pinks, purples, and blues. She sent the plants back to slumber deep in the ground and carried her trimmings into the house.
She searched through the cabinets in the kitchen and wasn’t really surprised that Ren didn’t have any vases, although she’d been hoping he might have one stashed somewhere. She improvised and used glasses to set up bouquets on the dresser and nightstands, then pulled the petals from several roses and scattered them over the bed.
“Nowthat’sromantic,” she said to herself.
She got a text from Ren that he was on the way home, and she stripped quickly and climbed onto the bed, trying out several poses before she stretched out across the bed and rested her head on her upturned palm. She fiddled with a rose petal, wondering how to tell Ren the news. He would walk in and see her naked, and not think she had anything to say to him butget naked. As she contemplated at least putting her bra and panties back on, the front door unlocked and creaked as it swung open.
Her heart leaped into her throat and her body heated. It was too late to put anything on, but suddenly she didn’t care. She was anxious to see her mate and see where the day took them.
But the person who appeared in the doorway wasnotRen.
* * *
Ren pulled into the driveway with a frown. There was an unfamiliar vehicle in the driveway, and the front door was open. His wolf snarled in worry.
Had Stef come to his home to harm Kismet?
His fangs elongated so fast they cut his gums as he bolted from his truck. Kismet screamed, and his vision hazed with red as his wolf clambered in his mind. Tearing into the house, he grabbed the female in the bedroom doorway and swung her away, slamming her into the wall.
She screamed in pain and terror, and it took a moment before Ren realized it wasn’t Stef, but Wendy, one of the females who regularly cleaned his home.
“Shit, I’m sorry, Wendy,” he said, easing away from her. “Do you want me to call Rich? Did I hurt you?”
Wendy inhaled shakily and moved away from him. She was bleeding from a cut on her lip and her eyes were wide with fright.
He leaned back and looked in the bedroom. Kismet hastily wrapped herself up in a blanket from the bed and flower petals flew in the air.
“She scared me. Well, I think we scared each other. I thought it wasyou. Who is she?”
“She’s Wendy, one of the omegas who cleans houses for the high-ranked males. I forgot she usually comes on Fridays.” He looked at the trembling girl. “Are you okay?”
“I’m f-fine, Ren,” she said. She touched her lip gingerly and winced. “Or not. I’m sure it’s okay. If it’s all right with you, I’ll just do my job and get on my way.”
Kismet, wrapped up in a blanket, came to the doorway. Ren couldn’t read the look on her face, but she wasn’t happy.
“I think she should go.”
His brows rose. “Sure.” To the female, he said, “Thanks anyway, Wendy. And again, I’m sorry.”
She nodded and hurried from the house, slamming the door behind her. He turned and enveloped Kismet in a hug. His wolf receded once he’d been sure Kismet wasn’t in danger.
“Why did you want her to leave?”