Page 48 of The Beta's Heart
Ren shook his head. “I was going to buy one when we get home from our week here.”
“If you’d like, I can take you to the royal jeweler so you can choose a ring for her. It would be my honor to escort you.”
“That would be awesome, but how will we get to the jeweler without Kismet knowing what we’re up to? I’d like to surprise her with the proposal.”
E’lahn hummed in thought. “I’ll contact her friend Keyarielle to ask her to pull Kismet away for a bit this afternoon. I’m certain she’ll be willing to help.”
He moved to the desk and picked up his phone, as Ren turned his attention to the wall of books. A lot of the spines had a strange language written on them.
“Excellent, thank you,” E’lahn said as he ended the call. Ren turned to face him. “She’ll get Kismet out of the house this afternoon, and I’ll come pick you up at two. We’ll portal to the jeweler.”
“Thank you for this,” Ren said.
“It’s my pleasure to help.”
“Do you think they’ll mind that this is the last jar of sparkling salt in the compound?” Kismet asked as she walked back into the room. The jar contained pink salt, sparkling as if someone had mixed it with glitter.
“I’ll have one of the quarter masters order more,” E’lahn said.
Kismet’s phone buzzed and she handed the book and jar to Ren and answered her phone. “Hi, Key. Yes, we’re here for a week. What? We just got here. Can it wait until tomorrow? Okay, okay. I’ll see you at two. And you owe me.”
Ren glanced at a smiling E’lahn. Ren said, “What’s up, sweetheart?”
“Key asked if I’d help her put together a gift for her mother’s birthday. It apparently has to be done today.”
“I’m sure I can find something to amuse myself with while you’re busy,” Ren said.
“You can come with me.”
He shook his head. “I’ll be fine.”
“Oh, okay. I shouldn’t be long anyway. But we can go get lunch first and then spend time in the house.”
“Sounds good,” Ren said. He silently breathed a sigh of relief. His mate was strong-willed and she could have put her friend off for another time. He was glad she had a good heart and was willing to help.
“We’re going to eat in the market,” Kismet said. “Do you want to join us, Dad?”
“I have some work to finish up, so thank you but no,” he said. “You can come over for dinner tonight.”
“Okay. Is six good?”
“Perfect. See you soon,” E’lahn said.
They said goodbye and headed out of the building. “This is pretty neat-looking salt,” he said, lifting the jar to watch it sparkle in the sunlight.
“It’s mined from underneath a magical lake on the far side of the realm. It’s used in protection spells the way that a witch would use regular salt in protection spells. But sparkling salt is more magical and therefore more powerful.”
They picked up lunch from a food stall in the market and carried it back to her home, where they sat on a blanket under a willow tree with purple leaves and ate braised pork sandwiches and something that resembled french fries but tasted like carrots. He settled on his back and stared up at the tree, the purple leaves rustling in the breeze.
Kismet straddled his waist and smiled at him, lifting her hands. The branches of the tree grew swiftly until they touched the ground, creating a dense curtain around them.
She leaned forward and kissed him. “You’re amazing,” he said, cupping her face.
Their lips met and parted, their tongues sliding together. His wolf practically purred at the scent of her arousal that deepened as their tongues touched. He loved kissing her and touching her. He thought he’d never get enough of the way she felt in his arms.
She broke the kiss with a groan and sucked on his bottom lip for a moment before she fisted his shirt and pulled it up his body.
“You’re mine,” she said, her voice all sultry vixen, her eyes blazing with arousal.