Page 52 of The Beta's Heart
“If it’s not, it should be.”
Kismet slipped on a pair of blue satin heels studded with tiny crystals. The heels matched her dress perfectly, one of her favorites from her collection of ball gowns. The strapless gown had a sweetheart neckline, and the full skirt made her curves look even curvier. She curled her hair, pulling the sides up with crystal clips to showcase the mating mark that Ren had given her.
The bathroom door swung open and Ren stepped out. He tugged on the cuff of the jacket and gave her a tentative smile.
She stood and walked to him, the dress swishing with the motion. “Oh, you look amazing!”
The black, leather trousers were fitted, with a wide belt. The cream-colored silk shirt was covered with a long, maroon jacket, that had wide cuffs and gold buttons. She began to unbutton the shirt.
“I don’t think we have time to play, sweetheart,” he said with a growl, “but I love how you think.”
She giggled. “It’s the style to leave the shirt unbuttoned a few buttons. I love howyouthink, too.”
She almost told him that she loved him, because she was very certain she did. They’d only been together for a week, but he held her heart entirely. She couldn’t imagine her life without him in it. She decided to wait to tell him those words until the moment was perfect.
“You’re gorgeous,” Ren said when she’d finished her task.
“Thank you. Are you ready?”
He nodded. “Is there anything I need to know? Like do I have to behave a certain way? I’ve never been around royalty before.”
“You’ll bow when you meet him and his wife. They don’t shake hands here like they do in your realm. Otherwise, just be on your best behavior. That’s what my dad always said to me.”
“I promise,” he said.
She opened a portal, and through it she could see the palace. Guards stood at attention at the gate. Just as she and Ren walked through the portal, her father appeared next to them.
“Hi, Dad,” she said.
“Perfect timing,” E’lahn said. To the guards, he said, “The king is expecting us.”
“Of course,” one of the guards said, ducking his head in a slight bow. The gates opened, and they walked through.
The trio walked up the marble steps to the front doors, which were opened as they reached the top. Inside the foyer, the king and queen greeted them. She smiled as Ren bowed, following her father’s example. She knew it was strange for him to be around royalty.
They followed them into the dining hall. Ren pulled out Kismet’s chair and pushed her in gently. He sat next to her, and her father sat on her other side. The king took the chair at the head of the table, and his wife sat on his left. The table was spectacular. Every place setting was full of gold, from the plates to the goblets. Candelabras were draped with flowers and pearls, the flames flickering.
As the meal was served, conversation flowed around them. The king asked Ren about his pack, the realm, and what it was like to be a shifter. The king’s power, like her father’s, was over fire.
“We can have dessert in the den,” the king said, pushing out his chair and offering his hand to his wife.
“Oh,” Rose said, “would you like to take your mate out to see the garden? I found some heirloom seeds for a variety of iris that have been extinct in this realm for several decades, and they’re growing beautifully.”
“Would it be all right?” Kismet asked. “I’d love to see the garden.”
“Of course,” Rose said. “We’ll be waiting for you in the den.”
“Want to see some flowers?” she asked Ren.
He stood and offered her his hand. “Absolutely.”
She took his hand and they walked through the glass doors that led out of the dining room into the wide backyard. The palace was walled for privacy and security with ten-foot-tall stone slabs. The queen had created a haven within the stone in her garden. It was like Kismet’s garden, but on a much grander scale.
“Oh, look at the stars,” she said as she turned her gaze upward. “It’s a beautiful night.”
“Very much so,” Ren said.