Page 66 of The Beta's Heart
“Of course,” Broderik said. “You just rest and let us get you good as new.”
* * *
Ren saw the portal open and he smiled until he realized it was E’lahn and a group of soldiers wielding swords, but no Kismet.
“Where’s Kismet?” Ren asked.
“She’s with our healer,” E’lahn said. He looked around the yard. “She sent me to help in case you needed it, but it’s clear you didn’t.”
“Kismet’s hurt?”
E’lahn put his sword in a sheath between his wings. “Yes. Her wing is broken. She killed the female wolf who came after her, and we disposed of the body.” He turned and dismissed the soldiers with him, then joined Ren.
“E’lahn Thorburn, this is my alpha, Acksel Moore. Acksel, this is Kismet’s father.”
Acksel shook E’lahn’s hand. “Sorry we had to meet under these circumstances.”
“Yes, it’s a shame. Why was the female after my daughter?”
Ren explained about Stef’s delusion and the males who had willingly followed her to their deaths.
“I suspect the world is a better place without them in it,” he said, looking down at the bodies. “Do you need help in disposing of them?”
“Um, what do you mean?” Acksel asked.
“I incinerated the female’s body and we buried her ashes deep in the ground. I can do the same here, unless there’s a reason you need their bodies intact.”
“No, actually,” Ren said, “pack law is very clear that invading wolves are to be burned to ash. What you did to Stef is what we’ll do to them.”
E’lahn cracked his knuckles and his wings flexed behind him. “Stack the bodies and allow me to handle things.”
“About Kismet,” Ren said.
“Because of her broken wing, half of her body was numb by the time she killed Stef. She’s with our best military healer. He would have given her a potion to remove the toxic magic from her body and then set her wing so it would heal properly. The potion will keep her asleep for a day while she heals. As soon as we’re finished here, I’ll take you to her.”
“Thank you,” Ren said. Relief twined through him, but he knew he wouldn’t relax until he could see and touch her himself.
The wolves worked together to pile the bodies of the invading pack members in the center of the gravel driveway. Then they stepped back and watched as E’lahn lit the bodies on fire. It wasn’t as Ren had thought, with flames shooting from his fingertips, but instead E’lahn’s hands glowed bright gold, but no flames came from them. The fire appeared as soon as E’lahn lifted his hands toward the bodies, and the flames were at first bright yellow, then a deep orange, then red, and finally a blue so bright and hot that Ren had to turn his head away.
“Shit,” Acksel said as he stood next to Ren. “I feel like my eyebrows are singed off.”
Ren laughed. “Me, too.”
“That’s some father-in-law you have there,” Mal said.
Ren agreed.
The heat died swiftly, and Ren looked back to see a pile of ash and burned ground, and nothing else.
“Damn,” Acksel said. “E’lahn, your fire power is amazing. We would have been tending a fire to burn the bodies for days.”
“It’s the benefit of having power over an element,” E’lahn said. “It was my honor to assist. When you’re ready, Ren, I’ll take you to Kismet.”
Ren nodded and turned to his friends. Acksel clapped him on the shoulder.
“I’m thankful that none of us were hurt,” Acksel said. “I trust that Kismet will be back to health swiftly.”
“Thank you for fighting with me,” Ren said.