Page 19 of Wicked Rich Boy
Once the trap doorto the attic chamber is closed and the string pulled up with us, my heart slows down enough that I can breathe again. Sade moved soundlessly like a feline when he closed the door and made sure we left no traces. His skills at that are beyond insane. The things he did in a matter of seconds, and how sleekly he did them, left me dumbfounded. Plus, without the string, there’s nothing to hint at this small chamber even existing. Mel’s parents keep this place secret from everyone, in case they ever need a panic room.
Trapped here with Sade, I’m completely at his mercy.
“We’re safe,” I tell him, needing to fill the silence between us with something reassuring. “They won’t find us.”
He shrugs, unconcerned as he starts circling me like a hungry shadow.
“I hope so. For their own sake.”
I lick my lips, grabbing the sides of my robe to close them around my naked body. Now that I’m back on my feet, I might as well try to save a piece of my dignity, but it’s hard when Sade remains behind me like a beast sniffing out its victim’s discomfort.
“It doesn’t make any sense, you know,” he says. “Being scared or even a prude. It’s not like you can get out of here until morning. In fact, I could keep you here for days. I heard something came up at the charity venue, something that will keep Mr. and Mrs. Sorbaine busy for a few days.”
My brow furrows, forgetting about my own predicament for a moment.
“What have you done to them?”
“Nothing bad, relax. Even though it’s not hard to get tobacco royalty into trouble these days. Their dealings are in dire need of some green and pinkwashing.”
His natural scent of clean linen and spice is now stronger, almost trumping the roses. But the metallic tang from the blood crusted on his hand still lingers in the air.
“No, good ole Mr. and Mrs. Sorbaine are going to be distracted by some new shows and promising connections. Entries to former socialist governments. Every big business owner is a sucker for that kind of stuff. Giving people you want to keep away trouble isn’t actually helping yourself. Humans tend to do anything in their power to escape unwanted and painful situations, and the Sorbaine family has a lot of power. No, you need to get people like that towantto stay.”
He breathes in my scent, an appreciative sound leaving his chest when he smells my arousal. My scent is so fucking loud, screaming out the pleasure he gave me.
“And meanwhile, I’m going to have my way with you,” he says, playing with my hair. It feels like a gentle threat. “I loved the sight of you stranded at my feet, the pleasure thatIgave you still coursing through your body. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, a work of art. A tainted maiden, the virgin-whore, red silk flowing around her translucent skin. Her cheeks alight with forbidden pleasure, and her thighs slick with the release a monster gave her. Beauty coming all over The Beast’s face. Ah, I have every intention of chiseling that masterpiece to perfection.”
I swear to God, his voice is poison imbued with honey. I squirm in place, my pussy leaking more of that juice that will only signal to this predator that I want more. He murmurs in understanding, his leathered fingers feather-light against the side of my face as he brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. Those fingers then move to my robe, pushing the fabric gently to expose my shoulder. His breath hovers just above my skin, and I bite my lower lip, barely holding back a whimper.
“That look on your face,” he purrs. “I’d pay billions of dollars to see it every day for the rest of my life.”
My eyes open fully, scanning the darkness. A ghostly beam of moonlight filters through the sole round window and, behind it, I glimpse the outline of an old standing mirror. Right in front of us.
“The rest of our lives isn’t an option, Sade,” I murmur, staring at the mirror. “You’re the heir of an arms empire. A warlord in Armani. I’m just going to teach English at the college if I’m lucky.”
He doesn’t contradict me. Even though he doesn’t have any respect for his adoptive father, he owes allegiance to the Kings. Marrying the heiress they prescribed for him is a debt of honor. One of the unbreakable links that keep them together. She’s Carlton Wilde’s first-degree cousin, I’ve heard, but mercifully she’s not going to Norton King’s, and only comes to visit rarely. I wonder what it would have been like, having to put up with seeing her around Sade every day.
“I hope I get to move out of the mansion before your future wife moves in.” There’s a bite to my words that I didn’t intend to put there.