Page 24 of Wicked Rich Boy
It’s been three fuckingdays, and I’m still walking around like a duck, sore as hell between my legs. I would have liked to stay at Mel’s place for another few days, getting more privacy than at the mansion, but I didn’t want to try Sade’s patience. I wouldn’t want the threat of him back at Mel’s house.
The girls came home the morning after what I’ve come to call “The Masked Man Apocalypse” and cracked the door to my room open, whispering their relief to find me sleeping.
“Finally, thank fuck,” Annie had said. “She hadn’t slept in days.”
“If she finally crashed, she’s gonna be sleeping for a while. Let’s give her some space,” Eva put in. Mel mumbled in agreement.
They closed the door, and that was that for the next twenty-four hours, when I managed to pull myself together. Annie and Eva were gone by that time, and Mel was busy doing weekend activities with her dad, which gave me the chance to say goodbye to her mom, thank her for their hospitality, and get back to the mansion with nothing but a string of texts to the girls in our chat group.
Which is an extra reason why it weighs so much on me to face campus today. Too much energy, too much buzz after days of solitude, crashing into my head like rocks, and the sore reminder of Sade’s cock between my legs isn’t making things any easier.
I trudge down the hallway, feeling like a fraud. I’m wearing a baggy orange dress with fall hues, looking all the innocent virgin from a little over a week ago, when in truth all my holes have already been used by two guys.
I shake my head, probably looking like a lunatic. But I can’t afford to sink into these thoughts right now, not when I have to face a whole new me on campus. A complete reset of my image in front of these people.
“Oh look, it’s Afterparty Justine,” a mean girl voice says. I whip around too quickly, stumbling with my back against the wall when my eyes find the source of that voice.
It’s none other than Gertrude Fairfell, the heiress that Sade is supposed to marry one day.
My heart drops.
Gertrude apparently knows exactly what happened between her fiance and me at the party. The fake eyelashes she’s wearing don’t manage to mask the rage and contempt flickering in her gaze. I’ve seen her on campus before, on the rare occasions when her own elite university has a big project with ours, but never this close.
She’s tall, taller than I thought. A lithe model wearing an extravagant pink sweater that must have cost a fortune, leather pants and fine heels. A perfect combination of class and sexiness, her thick dark hair up in a ponytail on top of her head. As for her face, every single one of her features seems made for the cover of a magazine, from her flawlessly smooth skin to the perfectly applied lip gloss on her thick lips. She’s clearly had work done, but it’s been done well, by the best doctors that money can buy.
“Gertrude, I–” I stop before I apologize for something that wasn’t even my fault. I can’t do jack shit about her fiance using me, but I’m not going to let her stomp all over me, too.
Even though that’s exactly what she intends to do, I can tell by the way she crosses her arms and grins at me with gum between those too-white teeth. The friends flanking her, a wannabe Harley Quinn and a wannabe Barbie, try to match her energy by placing their hands on their hips and staring down at me while chewing the shit out of their gum.
“I hear that’s what they call you now,” Gertrude says in an annoying nasal voice that’s clearly not how she genuinely sounds. “Afterparty Justine. You know,” she leans down to me with a hand at her mouth as if she’s keeping it between us, and scream-whispers, “after you basically fucked two guys at the campus pub.”
My cheek twitches, my face heating up to the tips of my ears.
Only that this time it’s not shame that grips me, but anger. This rich bitch thinks she can step all over me, but where was she to stop Sade from fingering my asshole in the middle of that pub? They say there’s a place in hell for women who don’t help other women, and this particularly nasty piece of work sure seems to enjoy adding salt to the wound.
She chuckles with her girlfriends who seem so eager to get in her good graces that they mirror every one of her stupid gestures.
“O.M.G., I’m so disappointed I wasn’t there to watch,” she says, a strident laugh following her words. She turns to her nodding girlfriends again as she says, “You know, it’s like I’ve always said. These innocent-seeming maids, they’re just playing an old fucking role. I mean, not even Disney makes rags to riches stories anymore, didn’t you get the memo? Glad to see you had a change of heart and decided to let the world see who you really were, Justine Pracht.” Reaching to my face, she pinches my chin between two long-nailed fingers, and only now I realize that I’m pressing myself against the wall. “Authentic living is the shit these days, you vibin’?”
I glare at the rich bitch, clutching my bag to my chest only to keep from slapping her. Then, I’d wrap that thick shiny ponytail of hers around my wrist, and then I’d–
No, fuck, no, I can’t go there. If I lay a single hand on her here in the school hallway, where students have already stopped in clusters to whisper and watch, she’ll get me expelled. And I won’t let her have that satisfaction. I worked hard to earn my right to be here, and I won’t lose that because of herorSade.
“Yeah, too bad you missed my coming out party.” I yank my face from her grip. Her hand falls down, her plump pink mouth popping open. She didn’t see this coming. She came here to intimidate me–with her height, her money, her position. “You would have seen your fiance have the hell of a good time. I’m sure you would have been happy for him, as a good future wife should be.”
Her styled eyebrows rise, her mouth opening and closing a few times as if she’s not quite sure what she just heard. When the corner of her mouth finally curls up, it creates a mean-looking dimple in her cheek.
“Women like you are always welcome in a man’s life before he marries. How else are elite men going to get the necessary experience to please their wives later on? So, as long as you know your place.”
I huff out a laugh. “Oh, I assure you, the kind of pleasure that Sade gives isn’t for the faint of heart.” I wink as I push by her, leaning close so that only she and her girlfriends can hear when I say, “I sure hope you’re not the wallflower they say you are.”