Page 30 of Wicked Rich Boy
“All right then,” Boss Guy finally speaks in the tone of someone for whom everybody is a suspect. “Is there somewhere we can talk about this in private?”
“I don’t see why. This concerns everybody, after all. Many of the people here know Dean Rowland.”
Boss Guy holds his stare before he says, quietly, “You’re asking for a lot. I can’t disclose this kind of information in front of an entire campus.”
Sade takes a moment to assess the situation before he reluctantly nods. “All right then. Follow me.”
THE WEAPON ENGINEERINGand Technology library at Norton King’s is so different from the humanistic libraries, it seems like a different world. While the building is the same in and out, all gothic stone walls and arches, this place is filled with the light buzz of computers, tablets, and other technologies instead of the rustle of books. Sure, the humanistic libraries are high-tech now too, but it’s much less obvious than here.
I invite Justine to take a seat in the alcove I usually share with Micah, Carlton and Chase, my fist still closed around her small hand. The students scattered around now silently scurry away. I’ve always had a knack for making people create a void around me whenever I popped up–a nuisance while I grew up, but something that comes in handy now. I slide in next to Justine, resting my arm on the arched back of the cushioned bench behind her shoulders. She’s small, fragile, but now she makes herself even smaller.
“We’re listening,” I tell the three men standing in front of us. The main one glances from me to the available spots on the arched bench. There’s enough space for five large goons to be comfortable on it, there’s never been a problem when all of us Kings sat here together, but I don’t grace them with an invitation.
The two other guys take a step back like mice, ready to bolt at the first hiss of a cat, while the big one shuffles on his feet. I keep my stare on him. I usually take great pleasure in crushing his kind of asshole with my attention, but something is different today. Justine’s body only inches from mine, her scent wafting to my nostrils, it’s messing with my focus. She’s still shivering with shock and fear, and that makes me want to bite the big guy’s head off. I consider adding him to the list of presents I prepared for her.
The big guy takes a deep breath, his big chest inflating. When he speaks, he does it in a bored tone that’s supposed to mask his discomfort. I could knock it out of him with a simple grin that hints at my true nature, but I decide on a stony face for the moment.
“I’m going to have to start with a question, whether you like it or not, Mr. Royales. Since I can't address it to Miss Pracht, I’ll have to address it to you.”
“I don’t like it, but there you go,” I deadpan. The man clears his throat.
“When was the last time yousawMr. Rowland?”
I tilt my head to the side, not breaking eye contact as I ponder. “Around two weeks ago. The day after the last party at the campus pub.”
“Where did you see him, and under what circumstances?”
“You said one question.”
Time for that grin. The man stiffens, but he puts on a good front.
“I’m asking because, apparently, he disappeared right after that. From our investigations so far, your friend Mr. Doggart Wilson was the one who saw him last. At the same pub you mentioned, during the day. It is my understanding that you were there as well.”
“If you already know, why ask?”
“It’s protocol to get every participant’s perspective.”
Justine shifts next to me, wanting to say something. My arm closes around her shoulders, pulling her into my side and locking her in. Communicating without words that she is to keep quiet. She’s wearing a nice dress today in the colors of fall, her hair up in an academic ponytail, contrasting strongly with the woman I debased at the party, and the one I showered with dark pleasure in that attic.
I breathe in her scent that’s had me on a leash for a whole fucking year–strawberries and peanut butter. My mouth waters. I want to taste her so badly. Fuck damn it, unfurling myself into her could save lives. The same thing that drives me wild for her calms the beast that rams its fists into walls until they crumble. It silences the rage, the murderous lust. She’s my balm. My drug. The only thing worth saving in this world full of phony plastic dolls.
“Yeah, that’s where I last saw him, too.” My eyes drag slowly from Justine to the big guy. I stare him up and down before I deign to offer more information. “Now that I think about it, he did seem on edge. Said he’d be meeting someone a bit later. Shuffled a lot from one foot to the other. Kind of like you’re doing right now.” I pause to let him feel that. “Anyway, seems he’d gotten a strange text.”
“Did he show it to you or tell you who it was from, or what it was about?”
“Who reported him missing?” My question comes before he gets to finish his, trumping it.
The guy swallows back what I’m sure is a curse. He’s used to being the one giving orders, but now he’s answering to me. He hates it, but tigers never stop to worry about cattle. I wait, relaxing with my arm around my girl.
I could get used to this.