Page 56 of Wicked Rich Boy
Then he reaches out to the curtain and yanks it open. The sharp, dragging sound startles the girl, causing her to pop the dick she was sucking out of her mouth.
The man is in a Michael Myers overall and mask. When he removes the mask, it reveals a wolvish grin–and Micah’s face.
Wait. I know the girl, too. I squint down at her, the thick shiny hair, the injected lips, the small eyes under huge fake lashes.
“Well, fuck me,” I say out loud. “If this isn’t Gertrude Fairfell in the flesh.”
Micah releases a low, cruel laugh before he grabs her jaw and forces her to look up. She opens her mouth from the force, and I can see the cum in it.
“Smile for me, baby,” Micah growls. A light flashes, and a Polaroid picture slides out of the slit like a tongue sticking out. Mocking her.
Micah grabs it and waves it in the air to dry it, laughing, while Gertrude swallows, still on her knees. Not knowing what to do.
I burst into laughter, too. Not because I’m mean, I don’t think. But because this is too funny. Karma really is, I’m not going to call her that, not my girl karma.
“Oh wow,” I eventually say when she manages to come up to her feet, without Micah’s help. She cringes while he keeps laughing, and stares at Sade full of guilt.
“Sade,” she mumbles, still swallowing his brother’s cum.
“I suppose this is where our engagement ends,” Sade purrs, his words dragged out. He enjoys doing this.
Another flash, another flinch. And then another. Micah, dressed as Michael Myers with his mask hanging from his neck, hands the pictures to his brother, who leisurely takes them. They show a roughed-up Gertrude crouching away from the camera. There’s something about the pictures that screams ‘dirty sex’.
“Sade, this really isn’t–”
“Let me guess, it isn’t what it looks like,” he finishes for her. “Oh, believe me,ex-fiancee, no one knows that better than me. It looks like what I need it to look like.”
“Proud noble heiress here has a kink for sucking strangers’ dicks,” Micah says. “Her past wasn’t easy to research, she covers her tracks well. After all, she’s powerful. But all my psych training with Romano’s horror-doctors paid off after all.” He winks at Gertrude. “She didn’t know who was behind the mask,” he explains with deranged glee. “It would have probably been a good idea for younotto wear a fae costume, Gertrude, and not show your face either. But what joy is there for a narcissist in keeping their identity secret, right?” He reaches out to stroke her chin with the back of his fingers. It might as well have been a slap, but she doesn’t pull away. She just holds his gaze, full of rage. “You want people to see who you are, celebrate you like a star. You want to be seen as a great beauty because you weren’t born as one.”
“You’ll pay for this,” she says hatefully.
“Oh no, baby,” he bites back, baring his teeth. “You will.”
“And I’ll tell you exactly how, so be prepared to hear from me,” Sade puts in calmly. There’s satisfaction in his voice. As for me, I shouldn’t be watching someone’s demise with so much peace in my chest, but this is the woman who wanted to show my pussy getting pounded brutally by dick to the whole campus.
My heart jumps into my throat.
The video that everyone at the party got!
I start shifting from one foot to the other, eager to ask Sade.
“If you think that I’m gonna do what you say–”
“Oh, you’re going to do exactly what we say,” Micah threatens. “Starting by annulling your engagement with my brother. You’ll just tell mom and dad and Uncle Lennard that you fell in love with someone else. I’m sure you’ll find some poor bastard to play your game. Trust me, you’re gonna want to obey.” He waves the pictures at her. “Or the digital copies of these are gonna make the rounds, in all of your circles. And that would be only the beginning of a long line of humiliations.” Then, his grin mocking, his tone derisive, “you’re such a lame cock-sucker, Gertrude. I was thinking of another woman when I came, just so you know. You need practice if you’re ever gonna keep a husband faithful.” A mock-bow. “Feel free to call for lessons. I’m at your service.”
Sade laughs, winding an arm around my waist and pulling me into his side. A gesture that isn’t lost on Gertrude. Her eyes narrow when she meets mine.
“Justine here,” Sade murmurs, “is the woman I’m going to marry. And you’re gonna help make that happen.”
“Romano will never allow it.”
Sade breaks out into laughter, a bitter sound this time.
“Romano won’t have a choice.”
Further questions bloom in my mind, but I refrain from asking them in front of Gertrude. She stands there, tears of frustration glimmering in her eyes. I take a moment to watch them spill down her cheeks. I know those tears. I’ve shed them many times before. Maybe they’ll make her more humane.
“I’ll catch you later, bro,” Sade tells Micah before he guides me back toward the door.