Page 8 of Wicked Rich Boy
And she was the best.
She and Mel ran in the same circles outside school, that’s how we ended up in a group together.
And regarding Dean? Yes, she told me so. Does that help me right now? Sure as fuck not.
“At least now you’re under Sade’s protection,” Annie puts in, her eyes looking too big behind her glasses. Contrasting with her small cute face, they look particularly comical. “I know the circumstances suck, but since that bastard Dean had the videos of you make the rounds... It’s good damage control.”
“Of the two evils, he’s the lesser one, I’ll give you that,” Eva says, her eyes narrowing as she assesses the situation. “But something tells me it was more than that. It sounds to me like he had his sights set on you already, and got pissed that you gave your V-card to someone else. He wanted to punish you as much as he wanted to protect you.”
I take a sip of the steaming tea without testing it first. I need the burn on my lips and down my throat to distract me from the sore feeling between my legs. My pussy is still raw from Dean, and my ass aches from Sade’s fingering. In just two days, I went from a virgin to a woman used for two guys’ twisted pleasure.
“Are we even sure about the protecting business?” Annie chimes in, pushing her glasses up her tiny nose. “I mean, Sade Royales is a silent viper. The college sadist. Everyone walks on the other side of the hallway when he appears, and let’s be honest–Justice here isn’t the first girl he used like that. Just last week he made that girl from Philosophy kneel under the stairs and suck him off. She talked all week about how he unloaded his cum in her mouth as if she was a public toilet. You know her, Eva, she’s–”
“Yeah, I know who she is,” Eva stops her with a wave of her wrist, her features pinched. “Let’s not dwell on it. I don’t want to think about my students that way.”
Annie creases her nose, which causes her large glasses to slide back down to the tip.
“That girl is blonde with brown eyes, like you, and has some of your general demeanor,” Mel puts in, studying me while her wheels turn inside her smart head. “She kind of looks like you. I guess our boy has a type.” Setting her mug of tea down on the floor, she unfurls her leg from under her buttocks and comes to sit down on the fluffy carpet by the bed, placing her hands on my knees. She looks up into my face, and it’s enough to fill me with trust. She’ll do well in politics one day.
“But I do believe it was his intention to protect you as well. Dean sent videos of you in men’s chat groups and tricked you into dressing slutty for the party. The guy had nasty plans for you. Men were going to rend you like fucking sharks, and Sade clearly didn’t want that.”
I bite my lip, not even trying to hold back the tears. It’s not like hehadto do it like that.
“Do you think it was his intention from the start? Dean’s? To finish me?” I murmur.
Mel tilts her head to the side, thinking. If anyone knows how these guys tick, it’s her. She grew up among them. She never said anything against my relationship with Dean, but that’s probably because she didn’t want me to believe she was classist.
“I think what he intended was to make you feel worthless. He wanted to punish you for even applying to this college, reserved for the elites. That you ever thought you could run with the wolves. There’s a hateful rat under the mask of sweetness that Dean Rowland wears. And I think he might have intended to pimp you around for a while, too.”
My heart cracks in my chest, and betrayal seeps in. The wound is fresh, pulsing, but I’m pretty sure that soon I will be burning with lust for revenge. No woman could ever let such evil go unpunished.
Except how will I ever punish Sade for what he did to me?
“Maybe you should stay here tonight,” Mel concludes as I take another hot sip of my tea.
“In fact, you should make that two or three nights,” Eva chimes in. Then, with a look at Annie, “Annie Bunny here will make sure your dad understands.”
I look at my bookworm friend. She gulps down the obviously uncomfortable knot in her throat, but she nods her head in the end. “Sure. I’ll go get your things, and lie to your dad that you’re fine while he holds my hand on the Bible.” Not an entirely far-fetched possibility, which will make Annie’s next visit to the mansion even more cumbersome.
She has been spared the ordeal of actually living in it, but she visits Mrs. Jones a lot, the cook who is also her aunt. Annie’s mom trusted Mrs. Jones to keep an eye on her precious daughter when she got the scholarship, but Annie has her own dorm at a sorority house.
Even though she’s not aware of it, Annie Jones is cheerleader material. Much prettier than she gives herself credit for. So much so that the cheerleader captain, Mireille Dupoint, still hopes to get her on her team. But I know Annie well enough by now to be positive that poor glamorous Mireille is wasting her time. It would take an asteroid the size of the one that killed the dinosaurs to get Annie’s head out of her romances and wrench her heart away from her book boyfriends. She’s adamant in her conviction that real men are overrated.
“You’re gonna have to talk to him first, though,” Annie says. “Nothing I can say is gonna calm him down unless he hears your voice first.”
I take a deep, shaky breath, then another sip of the tea. Too bad it’s not hot enough to burn anymore.
Eva holds out my phone at me, but I stare down at it like it’s a weapon.
“How am I supposed to talk to him with the same mouth that...” I choke on the last words, remembering the feel of Dean’s dick in my mouth. It’s not an impressive piece of work, sure as hell nothing like the king-size weapon Sade has in his pants, but it was still the first dick I ever sucked. Just a few days before another guy fucked me in the ass with his finger, on a chair in the middle of a party. Papa’s little girl is nothing but a worth–
“Don’t even, wench,” Mel interrupts my stream of thought as if she heard me. It’s enough to make my back shoot up straight, wondering if I’ve been thinking out loud. “Nothing of what happened was your fault. Sade might have a track record of using girls for sex, but it was always willing girls who got on their knees for him of their own accord. They even chased him for it, knowing he was set to marry someone else. But Dean?
“He’s never done anything like that. No one would have expected it from that boy-next-door face of his. He’s like one of those carnivorous plants that draw you in with their scent and their taste. The only red flag he ever waved before he met you was the fact that all of his former girlfriends were politicians’ daughters or rich heiresses. It was strange to see you and him get together, and I think none of us ever really trusted him, but this? You’d have to be a psychic to see it coming.” Her eyes sweep over all three of us. “From the Kings? Maybe. But they wear their demons on the outside. They never tricked anybody. Very different story with this little perv. He’s far worse than any of the Kings.” She narrows her eyes, re-evaluating that statement. “Except maybe Dogg. He’s a nasty piece of work.”
I stop breathing.
It’s the first time she’s mentioned him in front of Annie and Eva. I guess she needed the anger in order to even touch the subject with a six-foot pole.