Page 107 of Stolen Hearts
He shrugs. “But diplomacy sometimes works a lot better than a jamming a gun between someone’s teeth.”
“I’ll do my best to keep that in mind,” I grunt.
Ares nods. “If therewasa hit out on one of you, or anyone from either of our families for that matter, Aoki would know. Which means he might be able to tell you what the shooter running and getting on a plane means—specifically, if the contract is closed or not.”
“So, diplomacy then,” I mutter.
Ares shakes his head. “Hey, you do you, Castle.”
When he’s gone, I take a quick shower so that I can go get some work shit done before my meeting with The Broker. I’m just rinsing the soap off when I hear a scream.
I don’t think, I just fuckingmove. In less than a heartbeat, I’ve lunged from the shower and bolted from the bathroom into the bedroom.
…To see that Callie is perfectly fine, lying on the bed.
Fuck. I really need to stop reacting like this to this girl’s shrieks.
She looks up and instantly flushes pink as her eyes land right on my dick.
“Uh…hi?” she giggles.
I frown as I grab a towel off a hook on the connecting door and wrap it around my waist. Callie grins.
“Right, because that’s nothing I’ve seen before…”
I shoot her a stern look. “What the fuck was the shriek for?”
Her face lights up with a huge grin. “I got the appointment time for my interview!!” she blurts.
I scrub my face. “For?”
“For the MBA program at NYU!!!”
I can’t stop the smile that spreads over my face at the sheer excitement on hers as she beams at me. “I mean, I know Itechnicallyalready got accepted. But the interviews arereallytough, and they can change that acceptance status from a yes to a no if they doesn’t go well.”
She’s bubbling with so much excitement and nervous energy that she’s literally bouncing on the bed as she talks a mile a minute. I grin, running my hand over my jaw. Her enthusiasm is infectious.
“That’s fucking great, Callie,” I smile. “I’m excited for you.”
She ducks her chin as she grins back. “Thanks,” she says softly.
“So, when is it?”
She winces. “Uh, today, actually. This afternoon.”
The smile falls from her lips and the spark dims in her eyes when she sees the expression on my face darken.
“Oh, what the actualfuck!” she yells. “Are you joking?”
I frown. “Look, I’m sorry, and I hate doing this, but we don’t know if it’s actually safe yet.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she snaps. “Ares literallyjustshowed us videos of the guy leaving the damn state!”
“We don’tknowit means the threat is gone.”