Page 21 of Stolen Hearts
My heart drops into my stomach.
Dear God.
We’ve only met twice before: once when I was fourteen, and again when I turned eighteen. But even though I haven’t seen Luca Carveli in two years, I’d know his raspy, Sicilian-accented voice anywhere. Shaking, my heart slamming in my chest, I raise my eyes to the older man in a dark suit sitting across the room in a big chair by the window. He grins a toothy, yellowed smile at me.
“Hello, Callie. Orbonjour, as the French say. Isn’t that right?”
“Si, Capo,” the man behind me responds, still holding me tight, my arms twisted behind my back, his hand clamped over my mouth.
Another man in a dark suit steps into view, and my eyes widen at the sight of the pistol fitted with a silencer in his hand.
“I’m going to tell him to take his hand from your mouth now,” Luca growls. “It would be foolish to scream.Veryfoolish. Do you understand me?”
I nod feverishly.
“Bene,” he grunts, raising his eyes to his man and giving the signal.
The hand drops from my mouth. I gasp, sucking in air as I tremble in fear. Luca grins salaciously at me as his eyes drop to my chest. When I follow his gaze down, my face pales to a sickly white.
My dress has slipped, probably while I was getting knocked to the ground, and one of my breasts has fallen out of the violet silk gown. I blanch, trying to yank an arm free to cover myself. But the man behind me is unyielding. Meanwhile, all three of them just stare hungrily at my bare tit.
Luca smiles dangerously. “You know, we are like Romeo and Juliet, you and I.”
My lips curl. “The fuck we are.”
He makes a tsking sound and shakes his head. “Just so you know, when you are my wife, I will not tolerate language like that.”
I gasp as Luca springs out of his chair with surprising agility and storms across the room toward me. I flinch, but there’s no avoiding the blow when his open hand slaps across my face.
“Be silent,” he snarls. I whimper as he grabs my chin and yanks my gaze up to his as he stands above me. “We are indeed like Shakespeare’s lovers, you and I. It would appear your family doesn’t want us to be together.”
There are a hundred things I want to scream at him. But the hit still stinging my face has the fear roaring in my ears like a freight train, and all I can do is nod pitifully.
Luca smiles at the submission.
“Good. Good. You’ll make a quiet, obedient wife yet.” His eyes darken as they drop back to my bare breast. “But Ares’ stall tactics are…disrespectful. I have a contract inked in fucking blood that promises you to me.” His lips curl menacingly as something dark flickers behind his hooded eyes. “And I think I would like to be sure that what I have been promised is what I will actuallyget.”
Any remaining color drains from my face as a horrible knot twists in my stomach.
He ignores me as he glances at his men and gestures with his head.
To the bedroom door.
My words are cut off as the hand slams across my mouth again. I scream into it, twisting and writhing and trying to kick free. But the two men are much stronger and bigger, and before I know it, I’m being dragged across the floor and flung into the bedroom. I whirl to run, but Luca is right there with another hand across my face.
I cry out, sprawling to the side as he laughs mirthlessly and steps into the bedroom. The door slams shut behind him. It feels like a nail in a coffin.
“Get up,” he snarls.
“Go fuck yourse—”
I scream as he lunges and grabs a fistful of my hair. My scalp explodes in bolts of pain as he yanks hard, dragging me across the room and flinging me onto the bed. I scream, lashing out with my feet, but Luca grabs my ankle and twists it roughly to the side.