Page 99 of Stolen Hearts
“Are you a virgin, baby girl?” I say gently.
Her cheeks burn hotly. Her throat bobs heavily. “I…”
Oh fuck.
“No, wait!”
I’m already pulling out.
A virgin.
A fuckingvirgin.
How the fuck is that even possible? I meanlookat her, she’s fucking gorgeous. And on top of that, she’s Little Miss Party Girl. The bad influence. The epicenter of trouble and poster girl for bad decisions. I mean obviously there was the arranged thing with Luca, and she couldn’t outwardly or publiclydateanyone.
But how in the ever-lovingfuckdoes a girl like Callie hit twenty-one and still be a virgin? I shake my head as I back away from her.
“Wait, Castle—”
But I ignore her, somehow managing to push my swollen dick into my pants and zip up. I storm across the apartment to the bar cart by the wall of windows, pour a very heavy splash of whiskey and bring it to my lips.
I hear the sound of her bare feet padding on the carpet behind me. My eyes squeeze shut as the thought slams into my head again.
“You’re avirgin.”
She says nothing. I pound back half my glass and then turn toward her. The living room area is darkened, except for the fireplace crackling to one side, sending orange light and stark shadows flickering over her face.
Callie nods, looking small and lost as she hugs herself and sucks on her bottom lip.
“How? I mean…”
She looks down. “Because of…the arrangement with Luca? Because guys around me were scared of my brothers? And also, I just…”
She trails off, looking away.
Her eyes lift to mine, glinting in the firelight.
“I never wanted anyone like that. Until—”
I bark a cold laugh, shaking my head as I stomp over to the big leather chair by the window and sink into it.
“Trust me, Callie, you don’t want me,” I murmur darkly.
“I think it’s pretty obvious that I do.”
“I think it’s obvious that you’reconfused.”
Her eyes narrow. “Don’t tell me what I am. And don’t youdarelook at me differently now just because you’ve just found out I’d never done anything before you.”
My brows arch sharply. “Excuse me?”
She rakes her teeth over her lip again, looking away.