Page 107 of Reckless Hearts
“Yeah, I thought so too at first, because, I mean, it’syou.”
“Flatterer,” I mutter dryly.
“But Kratos has noticed the same thing. Ares, too.”
I frown. “Noticed what?”
“A decidedly un-Deimos-like pep in your step.”
“There’s not, nor has there even been,pepinvolved in any aspect of me.”
“Exactly. Which is why I’m curious if you’ve turned the corner on your weird hatred for this city, or if perhaps, by some miracle, you’ve started seeing someone. Just, you know, for an abrupt change in tradition.”
I give him a look. “I don’t have trouble seeing women, Hades, but thank you for your concern.”
“I’m not talking about randos or visiting Club Venom. I mean seeing someone likeseeingsomeone.”
“I don’t ‘see’ women, Hades.”
“Maybe a dude? I don’t know, man. You’re a lockbox with your personal life.”
“Yes,personalbeing the operative word there. And I’m not gay.”
He shrugs, folding his arms over his chest. “You know if you were, that’d be cool, right?”
Jesus Christ.
“Have we entered a fucking Lifetime movie now?” I grunt. “And for fuck’s sake, don’t you have work to do?”
“Okay,” he snickers. “I take it back. No one regularly getting laid could be as tightly wound as you.”
“Well, I’m glad I could clear all this up for you.”
He sighs, chuckling to himself before he pauses and glances at me. “Whatareyou doing here, though?”
As in Alistair Black, one of the name partners of the law firm along with his adoptive brother Gabriel and the formidable Ms. Taylor Crown.
Hades frowns. “You two went to Knightsblood together, didn’t you?”
We could all have gone to Knightsblood, but I’m the only one of my siblings who elected to do so. Ares came back to New York to attend NYU, Hades went to Harvard, Kratos chose Lords College in London, and Callie followed in Ares’ footsteps to study at NYU, too.
I shake my head. “Not at the same time, but we know some of the same people. Why?”
Alistair and Gabriel were both long out of Knightsblood by the time I was a freshman, being about eight years older. But Alistair, like me, was once president of The Reckless when he was there.
“What are you and Alistair meeting about?”
“Among other things, how to stop meddling and prying older brothers from crawling up my ass about my personal matters.”
Hades chuckles, shaking his head. “I’ve missed you, D. I know you fucking hate this city, but I’m glad you’re sticking around at least for now.”
Somehow, when I’m not balls-deep in Dahlia’s illegally perfect pussy or drowning blissfully in her moans and screams, I’ve found the time to be working two jobs. Despite being here in New York, Iamstill running our family’s operations in Europe. I’m aided in this by my very capable number two, Kostas, who’s still in London. The other job is getting Laconia Logistics off the ground, even though I’m sure Dahlia still thinks it’s a completely sham company created for the sole purpose of fucking with her life.
I mean, it’s not thesolepurpose. But she’s not wildly off the mark there.
It does have another, legitimate purpose, though.