Page 26 of The Almost One
There are so many reactions I could have had in that moment, but the only one I’m capable of showing is outright laughter. Green, pissed off laughter that ends with me straightening my back and pinning the Naple’s don with my gray eyes.
“I have never slept with Elizabeth, and to be honest, that’s beside the point. The old country needs to wake up and smell the misogyny.” Fucking Hell, I sound like River and it gives me a little pride.
“We saw you don’t care about that since you married a legit whore.”
All decorum flies out the window as I reach back, slide out my gun and pin Ugo to the wall with the barrel shoved right under his chin.
“Give me a reason to pull this fucking trigger, Ugo. You wanna come after me? That’s fine. Insult my wife, and the only use you will ever be is worm food.Lo capisci?” He doesn’t answer, so I repeat myself in English this time. “Do. You. Fucking. Understand?” The barrel is digging into his flesh and I know it’s going to leave a mark.
“Calmati, Marco. We understand, yes. Ugo means no disrespect, right, son?”
I wait for this little fucker to apologize, but he just stares at me with contempt in his eyes. This little shit doesn’t give a fuck about his sister, he’s pissed he’s not at the table, that he’s not the new underboss.
I pull the gun away, placing it back behind my waistband, and punch the little shit in the nose, blood erupting like Mount Etna all over my shirt and pants. I’m about to beat his face in when it’s my turn to feel the ice-cold steel at the back of my head. Nothing’s more frustrating than being held at gunpoint by your own weapon.
“I asked you nicely, Marco.” My jaw is tight, my fists are opening and closing with the need to pummel their sorry asses into next year, but I breathe through my rage and turn around, the barrel now flush against my forehead.
“Do it. Kill me, Giuseppe. But before you do, remember this…” I step into his gun, pressing it more firmly into my skin, a demented grin on my face like getting shot is the penultimate gift. “Even with my death, you won’t get New York City. Everything is already in place, contingencies are planned out months, years in advance. You and your son can go fuck right off.”
Suddenly, the gun is lowered and the fear etched into Guiseppe’s aging features tells me he’s looking straight into the eyes of the devil.
Enzo must be here. He does love a dramatic entrance.
“There’s nothing I would love more than to shoot your son in his pathetic face.” A man of few words, but when he speaks, he doesn’t play.
“Bene, bene.Let’s all calm down and have a drink to discuss the future.” Giuseppe places the gun on my desk and sits on the couch that’s reserved for big investors and quality guests. Of which he is neither.
“Papà! What are you doing?” Elizabeth walks into my office, her eyes darting from my blood-stained shirt to her brother’s nose, followed by the gun on the desk. It’s pretty obvious that someone almost died tonight. “Come on, let’s go. Mamma isn’t feeling well, she’s asking for you.” At this, both father and brother turn their heads to her and stand. I can respect the immediate need to be there for family, but I still want to pummel them.
“Enzo, accompany our guests to the front, please.” With a grunt, Enzo leads Giuseppe and Ugo out while Elizabeth stays behind, her cheeks flushed and her breathing shallow, like she ran to get here.
“I’m sorry, Marco. I had no idea they were going to do this.”
It’s clear I have a situation on my hands. It’s also clear that if I don’t take care of it, River will be the first one in danger, and that’s unacceptable.
“Look, there’s a restaurant down the street that everyone is raving about. Let’s talk this out and make sure we don’t start a war.” Elizabeth is now calm and collected, like everything is going to plan.
I watch her, my glare judging her sincerity. No matter what her plan is, I need to keep this city from bloodshed, so I do exactly the opposite of what I want to do. I send River a text message—it’s easier than having to explain—telling her I’ll be late and to not wait up. Fuck, I hate this.
Tesoro, I have an emergency. I’ll be late but I’ll be there.
Is everything okay?
I was expecting snark, so her worry touches me deep in my soul.
It will be.
It’s been so long since just the four of us were together, wrapped up in blankets surrounding a fire. The heat coming off it keeps us warm and cozy as we toast marshmallows on sticks. Not that we need them. After all the vegetarian Mexican food we’ve eaten this afternoon, I’m surprised my body isn’t protesting.