Page 29 of The Almost One
“I told you, I was jumped on the way to the car.”
Hmm, partial truth, but not the whole truth. The way he’s tensing his jaw tells me as much.
“Was that the emergency? That you got jumped?”
“No. I had some business that couldn’t wait.” His grip on the steering wheel tightens, whitening his cut-up knuckles.
“And what was that business?” I take a deep breath, readying myself for answers I probably won’t like, but if I’m going to be all in with this man, I need to know. If I don’t, then I’m unable to protect my family properly, and that includes Marco now.
“It’s nothing for you to worry about, Tesoro.” His tone is low, barely audible as he tries to brush off the conversation.
Not to-mother-fucking-day, Mr. Mancini.
“Don’t youTesorome, husband of mine.” A low growl comes from his throat as he glances at me. Only briefly, but I see it, the glint in his eye at me calling him my husband. “Don’t think that sexy-ass growl will make this conversation end either, asshole.” I watch his eyebrow rise in amusement. “Listen, you have to talk to me about things. You promised me that we were a partnership, that you wanted me to stand beside you in all things. And here I am, standing behind you, being left in the dark. I understand you’re grieving for your dad, you’ve had a lot going on, and I know you’ve got a lot of responsibilities, but you need to let me in. Fully. Not this half-hearted shit, letting me have a say in the charities being helped and all the sunshine and roses crap. Whatever is going on, it’s clearly dangerous. And yes, I know I’ve brought enough danger to our doors already, but even that has something to do with whatever the fuck you’re keeping from me. So. Get the fuck over whatever you need to. And let. Me. In. Goddammit, Mancini.” My breaths are coming hard and fast now after my little tirade, but it needed to be said.
I’m not a wallflower.
“Fuck, you’re hot when you’re angry.”
It’s now I realize that we’re no longer moving, Marco has pulled the car over into a little side road surrounded by trees. Not conspicuous at all…
His focus is on me as he unclips his seatbelt, followed by mine.
“Nah-uh. Nope. You’re not doing that. Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Are you sure?” A mischievous grin grows on his stupidly perfect face, but I can still see the darkness behind his eyes.
“Marco.” My tone is firm, demanding.
Asshole is mimicking me, trying to do his dickmatizing thing and distract me from the subject at hand.
“Marco.” I raise my eyebrows and make my voice sharper to ensure the seriousness of what I’m trying to say.
Oh my fucking good God, this man will be the death of me. Or I the death of him. Shame, too, I’d miss that talented cock of his.
“Fuck this. When you’re ready to have this conversation, come and find me.” I climb out of the car, slamming the door behind me, and apologizing to it in my head for the rough treatment, before stomping off back in the direction of Ev and Petal’s house.
The calf-length midi-dress I’m wearing with my Timbs isn’t the best outfit for a long-ish walk, the skin-hugging material means I have to take shorter steps, but I know I won’t have to go far before Marco stops me. I could see it in his eyes. He wants to open up to me, but he’s struggling. Walking away may not be the most mature way to deal with it and get what I want, but he needs to know I won’t be sexed into oblivion and pretend nothing’s going on.
It’s not a shock when his hands grip my waist, pulling me into his hard body, and I feel his warm breath at my ear. “I’m sorry,Tesoro.”
Holy fuck, did the great Mancini just apologize?
“I owe you answers, but not now. Okay? Can it wait until we get home?” He’s pleading with me, leaning down and resting his chin on my shoulder. It’s sweet as fuck, but he sounds sincere, which is exactly what I wanted. So I concede.
“Fine. But I’m holding you to that. Being a man of your word and all.”
“Fair enough. Now walk back to the car, shaking that fine ass of yours, lift up your dress, and put your hands on the hood.” He nips at my ear and slaps my ass to get me moving.
Resting my hands on my hips, I turn to look at him with a raised brow. He needs this, and maybe it’ll chip away at the darkness in his gaze that has been there since last night.
However, we’re a partnership, and it’s about time he realized that. So this is my show, not his.