Page 32 of The Almost One
“A fucking princess or else you’d sit down and lay it all out on the fucking table. That’s it. End of story. Fucking final period.” I’m speechless. Actually without words with the gall of him. There are reasons I’m keeping her out of the equation.
“I’m trying to protect her, Enzo. That’s the end all.” Everything I do is for her.
“Bullshit. You’re protecting yourself.” My brow raised, I’m trying really fucking hard not to make a scene and honestly, I’ve had enough brawls these past two weeks, I don’t need more stitches.
“Didn’t realize you had a death wish.” There may not be any venom in my tone, but he’s one comment shy of losing a tooth.
“Look me in the eye and tell me straight up that you’re not afraid of losing her if you tell her everything.” We’re both staring daggers at each other when my favorite sound in the world tickles my ear.
“Tell me what?” River Fox-Mancini is a little minx.
Enzo nods his hello then walks away.
Chicken shit.
Or maybe that’s me. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I should just play my hand and hope she’ll stay at the table for another round.
There’s always plan B. I could lock her up and wait until she comes to her senses and realizes that everything I do is for her.
Almost everything.
“Not—” I stop myself short and look down at the woman who has turned my entire existence upside down. “We need to sit down and have a long, painful conversation, but not today and probably not tomorrow.” My hand cups her jaw and I pull her close enough to smell her minty breath and subtle perfume. “But we will have our talk. We will lay down every single one of our secrets then.” I squeeze her jaw, forcing her to open her mouth just enough for my tongue to circle her parted lips. “You will stay. You will not rush out in a fit of rage. You will not pack a fucking suitcase and leave our home.” I bite her bottom lip and suck the flesh into my mouth before whispering. “You can slap me and you can curse me, but at the end of that conversation you will still love me as much as I love you.”
The only reason she hasn’t said a word, I’m sure, is because her mouth is trapped. If it weren’t, she’d be “fucking” this and “fucking” that at me right about now. Planting one last, lingering kiss, I release her jaw and brace myself for her onslaught.
Except, it doesn’t come. River just stands there, staring at me with green eyes so bright and… murderous. Yes, that’s good old fashioned ire dancing in her eyes. Okay, fine. Let’s fucking do this. I’m ready. I’ve been on the wrong end of a fucking gun barrel, I can handle her anger.
“Fine.” She flashes me the fakest smile imaginable then turns and walks away.
“River, get the fuck back over here.”
All I get is her perfectly polished middle finger as she catwalks down the center aisle of her club and into her office.
I think that went well.
* * *
My phone rings from the inside pocket of my suit jacket just as I walk into my office. Not many people have this number, it’s not something I broadcast to the world and Stefano had his tech guys make it unreachable for anyone outside the chosen few.
When I see Tyler’s name flash across my screen, I frown. He’s as busy as I am with work, life, and trying to run a multi-billion-dollar business. We don’t chit chat. If we have time to spend together, it’s usually late at night in one of our offices where we can open the decanter and savor a good Old Fashioned in peace and quiet.
We don’t call each other for bullshit conversations, which means this is not good.
“You sound like a mob boss.” I chuckle as I sit behind my desk after popping the button to my jacket and lean back in my chair.
“Hello seems too mundane. Plus, it gives people time to hang up if they know they’re talking to me.” Tyler laughs on the other end, but it’s almost forced. I was right… this call won’t be good news. “So what’s going on, brother? You don’t call out of the blue.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t.” I’m guessing he covers the phone with one hand since his next words are muffled as he speaks to his secretary, but when he comes back he seems ready to give me the bad news.
“Eleanor called. Many times, in fact. She’s been trying to reach you but you’re hard to get on the line.”
“Eleanor Reed?” André told me she’d tried calling but with so much shit happening, I haven’t had the time to sit down and take her call.
“She goes by her maiden name now, but yes, Nate’s mom.” I nod, even though he can’t see me.