Page 4 of The Almost One
Fucking hell. Are all the women in my life trying to kill me?
“Elizabeth. It’s nice to see you, but now is not a good time.” I can feel River’s blood boiling to the point she just might burn my house down, but I have to tread carefully here.
Elizabeth Ambrosio is not just anyone.
She’s the only daughter of the most powerful family in Naples. Disrespecting her would be a sure way to start a transatlantic war. Nobody has time for that shit.
“I’ve just arrived from the airport, I thought I’d come directly to you.” With her arms crossed at her wrist and resting on her lower stomach, where she holds her clutch, she’s the picture-perfect display of grace and class. Born and bred to be a wife in my world, she knows how business is done and how important the role of a queen is to a mafia king. She’s perfect in every way.
Except, she’s not River and never will be.
“Let me introduce you to my wife, River.” At my words, my Tesoro raises her chin and proves her mouth is just a little bit faster than her brain.
“And wife trumps fiancé.” She doesn’t say it, but the word “bitch” is just begging to be heard.
Enzo chooses this second to jog into the living room from the kitchen. He quickly takes in the situation before promptly turning on his heel and walking right back to where he came from. Fucking coward. Useless right-hand man he turned out to be.
Placing my palm at the small of River’s back, I love the fact that her body naturally sways toward mine. She probably doesn’t even know it’s happening and would deny it with her last breath, but I know it and that’s all that matters.
“Elizabeth and I were never formally engaged. Our families did all the planning.” My voice is firm, my tone leaving no room for arguments.
“It is the way of our world, Marco.”
I had once believed that as well. That said, it doesn’t matter. My union with River is solid on all fronts and my wife has something Elizabeth never did… my love.
Getting the message that Elizabeth isn’t planning on leaving until she’s said her piece, I turn to River, my hand clutching the back of her head as I bring her mouth to mine in a heated, necessary, kiss. One that sends a clear message, and I’m grateful that River knows this game all too well. The ass slap is just an added touch to drive the message home.
“Go upstairs and be ready for me.” My whispered words, however, are not for show. They are a promise.
“Don’t be long,husband. I’m not the waiting kind.” I let the corner of my mouth tick up in amusement at her muttered words, shaking my head when the volume of her next ones are loud enough for the whole fucking house to hear.
“I’ve only had two orgasms today. You’re slacking on your duties.”Christ. “Also, you need to get dressed. I don’t share.” This time, she aims her warning at Elizabeth, who is as unmoving as always, as she shrugs off my shirt and hands it to me. I don’t have time to scold her for walking around naked as she bolts up the stairs and disappears from view.
Without a word, I lead the way to my office, sliding my shirt back on and making sure my slacks are buttoned as well.
“What is so urgent that I have to take precious time away from my wife?” Elizabeth and I never actually had anything physical. All the arrangements were set up by our families and, at the time, I had no idea River would be in the picture, so Elizabeth was as good a choice as any.
“I didn’t realize you were still together.”
As I sit behind my mahogany desk I see her reaching for the door, presumably to close it.
“Leave the door open.” I may have loved the little jealousy act River played out there, but I refuse to give her any reason to think I’m not one hundred percent committed to her and our marriage.
“It is a private matter, Marco.” I swear, this woman’s voice barely fluctuates, even when she’s not happy.
“Leave it open or walk away. Your choice.”
She only hesitates for a second before, with a barely perceptible sigh, she makes her way to the chair across the desk from me and sits like a royal on her throne. I don’t want a war, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to hide my annoyance.
“Now, what can I do for you, Elizabeth?” With my elbow on the armrest, I place the side of my face in the nook between my thumb and index finger. I’m already bored with this conversation and it’s barely even started. Knowing River is upstairs, naked and waiting for me to ravage every inch of her body, is seriously pissing me off with every second that I’m wasting.
“Like I said, I was told you were no longer together.” I take a second before answering, watching her and trying to get a clear feel of her angle. On the outside, she’s completely put together. Long red hair parted in the middle and curling in just above her breasts. Her lips perfectly made with her signature burgundy lipstick, and cheekbones that have made more than one supermodel jealous. But just beneath the surface, I can discern the aggravation. It’s clear her family has sent her here to get the job done.
The jobbeing… me.
“Who is your source?” I could force it out of her but, really, I don’t give enough of a fuck.