Page 10 of The Forever One
A few large buses pass by, along with a variety of taxis, all picking up various groups of people. It feels like we’ve been here for hours, even though it’s only been about fifteen minutes. A quick glance at my phone tells me it’s only eight in the morning yet the scorching sun rays make it feel like midday. I wish we were here for a relaxing vacation, instead we’re walking into the wolf’s den willingly. I fear this whole experience may tarnish my memory of what is surely an incredible city.
“Ooh, is that it?” Lina points to a shiny black Mercedes slowing down as it approaches the curb of the sidewalk we’re waiting on.
“I guess so.” Another one pulls up behind it and I can see at least four large men sitting in there, all with nasty scowls on their faces, completely ruining the beauty of the morning.
Elizabeth climbs out of the back of the first car, bodyguard in tow, and her strained smile tells me she’s finding this as difficult as I am. Especially after our conversation only yesterday back in my home in New York.
She gestures toward the car, encouraging me to get in, only slightly surprised by my extra additions in the form of Lina and Tyler.
“He can go in the other car. He’s not going with you two.” The bodyguard looming behind Elizabeth steps forward and grabs Tyler’s arm, pushing him into the car behind ours.
Tyler begins to say something, but quickly stills as the man whispers something in his ear. I can’t see his face, but I can only imagine what was said to make him stop talking or struggling. He wasn’t supposed to be here. And I can do fuck-all about how he’s being handled because I need to be compliant for now. For Marco.
Lina and I slide along leather seats into the back of the Mercedes and Elizabeth gets in next to us, her bodyguard goon slamming the door closed behind her and climbing in the front seat. As soon as his door is shut, the driver moves off toward wherever we’re going.
“How was the flight?”
Elizabeth asking this means everything is in place and she has given Stefano the location details for J, George, and everyone else to find us—our fail-safe in case my phone was lost or stolen for any reason. Inside, I’m smiling. Step one of our plan is going well so far.
“It was good, there was no turbulence.” To anyone else’s ears, this is a boring small-talk conversation, but this answer has just let Elizabeth know that everyone is in place on our end as well, all ready to go. We discussed all of this before she left for her own flight to Naples.
“Marco and Enzo are still alive.” Elizabeth’s voice is soft, but her tone changes when driver-goon looks at her through the rear-view mirror. “And they will continue to be if you do as you’re told.” I see the apology in her eyes and I’m praying to all the gods that I’m right to trust my gut with her.
The car slows to a stop in the middle of nowhere. Literally, we are surrounded by nature. It’s beautiful, but I have a feeling this wasn’t part of the plan because Elizabeth tenses up beside me.
“Aldo, what’s going on? Ugo said to pick them up and bring them straight to him.” The guy Elizabeth calls Aldo has opened the back passenger door and he’s peering in with a sadistic grin on his pale face, his greasy dark hair badly in need of a trim.
“We had different instructions, Signora. Everyone, out of the car. Now.”
Confused, I follow Elizabeth out of the car, gripping Lina’s hand behind me. The car behind us containing Tyler has stopped too. Thank the gods we know where he is.
“Turn around and put your hands on the car.”
“What the fuck, Aldo?”
He grips Elizabeth by the chin and brings his face down to hers as she practically growls at him to let go.
“These are my instructions. Be quiet and let me do my job,Principessa.”
I grit my teeth at the order, but, for now, I’m willing to comply. We knew that this was a possibility. Hence our fail-safe with Elizabeth. Just now, though, we’re relying on her more than I had wanted to.
Lina does the same, quietly doing as he asks, allowing the dirty fucking creep to pat his hands around our bodies for hidden weapons. He finds our phones and nothing else. His hand moves round to my breast, and he squeezes once, fueling the anger inside me, then he does it again, so I cough before thrusting my elbow backward into his stomach. He doubles over, removing his slimy grip from me with a grunt.
“Whoops. Sorry.”
“I’ll fucking sho—”
“Aldo, Ugo wants her unharmed. He’ll have your head if you do anything and you know it.”
Elizabeth to the rescue. Aldo slowly lowers the gun he pulled from his waistband, after aiming it at my head. I must admit, I definitely had an ‘oh shit’ moment, but my life didn’t flash before my eyes and I know now isn’t my time. It can’t be.
I’m curious as to why we didn’t see anyone get Tyler out of the car behind us, but I’m not asking this douchewad any questions. And after the unexpected stop, I don’t think Elizabeth will have any answers for me either. I just hope he’s okay.
Lina is stoic beside me for the journey and I know she’s doing what I am; preparing herself for the shit storm we are inevitably about to face.
* * *
The cars finally pull up outside a country farmhouse. It’s a typical Italian villa surrounded by farmland and a couple of barns. It should look beautiful, but there’s a dark aura surrounding the property, like nothing good ever happens here.