Page 35 of The Forever One
Somehow, I’m sitting next to Kai and we’ve both been listening to the conversations around the table more than participating, when my eyes land on Freya’s hand. Herlefthand with the wedding band still on the ring finger as she places it on her date’s thigh.
As I’m bringing my beer bottle to my lips, I lean toward Kai and nod once to his wife. “So, what’s up with that?”
“She’s pissed because I won’t sleep with her.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal. I know he only married her to help her with her medical bills and the whole thing is a sham, but still. If we’re being honest, my marriage to River started out as a sham—or that’s what she thought, it was very much real for me from the get go—yet I would have carved out eyeballs if anyone even looked at her the wrong way.
“It doesn’t bother you that she’s here with him?” I turn to look at him, weighing his sincerity.
“Nah, it is what it is and, at the end of the day, her treatment is over and our divorce is imminent.” It’s my turn to shrug. It makes sense. “Besides,” he continues. “I’m biding my time until River realizes I’m her forever one.” He has the good sense to grin like a kid who’s just played an award-winning prank or else he’d be swimming back to shore.
I lean my full weight back in my chair as my gaze slides to my wife, who is having an animated discussion about the merits of turkey bacon versus the real shit. There are none, bacon is pig or else it’s not bacon, end of.
“Didn’t realize you were delusional.” I did, but this conversation is fun.
“Mark my words, Mancini.”
“I’d rather mark you between the eyes, Briggs.” He chuckles like I’m joking. He should know better. Does he have any idea how easy it would be to sink him to the bottom of the Hudson alongside all the others buried beneath the waters dating back to the beginning of time?
We’re silent for a moment as we watch the others.
“I feel like we’re bonding. Who knows? Maybe we’ll even be friends.”
I almost choke on my beer.
“Yeah, I don’t think so. Let’s revisit this conversation when you’re not pining over my wife.” He turns to me, his beer bottle tilted to the side, and I realize he wants to make it a toast.
Oh, what the Hell.
The rims of our bottles clink, drawing River’s attention to our truce. Her face lights up with a grin so bright it blinds my soul and kick starts my heart. Fuck, she’s stunning. The fact that I contributed to her smile makes my chest swell with pride.
“You just got brownie points for making an effort with her best friend,” Kai murmurs, a smug grin on his stupid face. “Remember that next time you’re thinking about throwing me overboard.” That gets my attention and an unexpected laugh bursts from my throat.
Day turns to night and when it’s time for the fireworks, I stand at the back of the boat with my wife nestled in the security of my embrace while Lina and my mother stand right beside me. The show goes on for well over thirty minutes, the display of red, white, and blue prominent as the lights explode in the clear black skies.
“It’s pretty, but between the air and noise pollution—all those poor doggies who have to suffer through this—the cons outweigh the pros.” At Petal’s words, my mother sniffs beside me as River shoots her hand out and squeezes my mother’s in support. They both loved Bruce and when I found out he’d been murdered, I saw red. Ugo will pay for that, too.
* * *
It’s almost midnight when we disembark and River and I make sure everyone has a car to take them back to their respective homes. Well, all except Freya, since she’s decided to go home with her boy toy and I’m not paying for that shit.
Once everyone is gone, we thank the crew and head to our own town car. Well, it’s more of a limo but whatever, I needed the space for my mother and Lina.
“She’s lovely, River. How far along is she?” my mother asks as we slide into the back of the car, Enzo at the wheel watching us in the rear-view mirror.
“Six and a half months. Doesn’t she just glow? I’ve always heard about the glow of pregnancy, but it’s the first time I’ve actually witnessed it.” River’s love for her sister-in-law is awe-inspiring.
Before Lina has the chance to get inside, I take her in my arms and hug her tightly to me. She stiffens like my touch is physically hurting her.
“I’m sorry.” My words are barely audible from the lump that’s lodged in my throat. “Mi dispiace, sorella.” I repeat my apology in our mother tongue and rest my forehead to the crown of her head.
“Me too.” She squeezes her arms around my waist for only a brief second before she sniffs and gets into the car.
When Enzo turns, everyone gasps. Everyone except for me. I’m livid.
“What happened to your face?” My mother’s instincts to heal are in full effect. Enzo is like a child to her. From the bruise that’s already darkening around his eye and the cut that’s actively bleeding, I’m guessing a fist fight. The tip of his tongue darts out as he licks the drop off his lip and I notice his wince when he sniffs. Hmm, he may even have a broken nose. My gaze lands on his knuckles, his grip on the wheel so tight it’s like the thing has personally offended him, and I shake my head in frustration. This is his M.O. when he’s pissed off at the world. Picks a fight, gets his ass beaten even though he could easily avoid getting touched when fighting on a good day.
“Nothing worse than the other guy.”