Page 4 of Priceless Diamond
No one took me up on it. I chose the Diamond Ring well. Except for Klaus—and I’d been warned off him from the beginning. I let money outweigh my common sense, and I’ll be paying off the debt for years.
Kelly sits back in his chair and purses his lips. He picks up an ivory-handled letter opener and taps the metal tip against the blotter on his desk. “You want to grab some low-level soldier? Not the top brass?”
I shrug. “I’ve got plans for those cocksuckers.” Syringes filled with potassium chloride, if I have my way. Same drug prisons use to execute murderers and rapists. “This is a different beef.”
Kelly’s not impressed with my logic. “Sounds like this is more a job for Best’s men.”
He’s talking about Sawyer Best, another member of the Diamond Ring. At my request, the mercenaries of Best’s Sawgrass Corporation went up against the Herzogs last month, and the operation was fucked up to the tune of eight men dead.
Not Best’s fault. But reason enough for me to say, “They’re not big on adding freelancers to the team.”
“You want in on this yourself?”
I shrug. I don’twantto do this. I’d rather be home with Alix, tying her to the bed and seeing how many ways I can make her come before midnight.
But this is what Alix asked for. This is what she needs. So, yeah. I want in on it myself. “It’s personal,” I tell Kelly.
“You know how to handle a gun?”
He doesn’t mince words. That’s another reason he’s in the Ring. “I can get the job done.”
“You’ve got a clean weapon? Or am I supplying one?”
He’s asking if my gun’s been used in a crime. My Sig Sauer was bought new. The only action it’s seen has been at the gun range. “I’ve got my own.”
He nods with a narrow-eyed look that I think is appreciation. “And this boyo you want picked up. What’s he do for the brothers?”
“Near as I can tell, he’s packing drugs. Meth. Heroin. Crash.”
Kelly pinches the bridge of his nose before he meets my gaze. “Operation like that,” he says. “It’ll be well protected.”
“My guy doesn’t exactly have a union pushing for coffee breaks and overtime pay. There’s a good chance they keep him chained up overnight. Might be easier to get him then.”
“Or not. Business like that might sleep during the day.”
I spread my hands to indicate I’ve got no horse in the fucking race. “With an address on hand, your men can take a look around. Figure out the best approach. I’ll come back for the actual pick-up. You get first dibs on anything left lying around.”
Drugs. I’m not bringing them into the freeport.
“Pick-up.” He repeats my phrase. “Is that a polite way of saying we’re dumping him in the river?”
Honestly, I’d be happy enough to put a bullet through Leo Key’s brain. But that’s not what I promised Alix.
“No. I meant what I said. Pick him up. Hood the asshole so he doesn’t know where he’s going. Get him to the freeport and I’ll deal with him from there.”
Kelly thinks for almost a minute before he nods. “We can do that.”
“Got a timetable?”
“Give me a week to see what’s what, whether we go in at night or during the day. Either way, we’ll make a move Saturday next.”
Eight days from now. Alix will have to live with the wait.
Neither of us believes in karma or any of that shit. I’m not worried about a stain on her soul—whatever the fuck that means—or on mine.
But Alix and her brother grew up close, and they got a hell of a lot closer when his using cut them off from the rest of the world. I learned that when I tried to find her three years ago. When I tracked down her family and that pussy she was going to marry.
This revenge shit is twisted.