Page 44 of Blurred Lines
“Don’t fucking come yet.” I squeeze his throat, choking off a whimper and riding him harder, chasing my own release.
I shudder as my orgasm crashes over me, sending electric pulses of pleasure through my body and curving my shoulders forward. I’m breathing so hard it takes me a minute to realize Brendon is almost sobbing with his need to come.
“Good boy,” I breathe out and push his hand away to wrap my own around him. His hips jerk, thrusting into my hand as I sit up and use my free hand to paint my cum on his skin and top lip.
“Taste me while you come.”
He licks me from his skin, and I lean forward to press on his chest, but he grabs my hand and sucks on two of my fingers as he explodes beneath me. His cum mixes with mine, and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t tell whose is whose, and I love it.
Brendon sags on the mattress, panting and sweaty.
“Not a bad way to start the day.” I chuckle, and he flips me off.
“You’re an asshole.”
I lean down to kiss him, getting a hint of myself on his tongue, then bite his lower lip.
“Come on, I didn’t make you wait that long.”
I kiss him again and climb off him, needing to piss. Putting my dick away, I head to the bathroom. Brendon grabs a shirt off the floor and starts cleaning himself up.
I do my business and wash my hands as someone knocks on the door. I freeze for a second, hoping Brendon is decent.
The door opens, and I hear Brendon say, “Are we having a no pants day? ’Cause I’m down for it.”
“No, I need you to trace this bite mark.” That’s Jeremy’s voice. What the hell did he just say? Since I’m in here, I brush my teeth quickly to make sure I don’t have cum breath.
“Like, the individual teeth or, like, the circle it makes?” Brendon asks, and I am thoroughly confused.
“Each tooth,” Jeremy instructs as I open the door.
“Now I feel weird being the only one with pants on,” Brendon complains around a pen cap he has in his mouth.
“Why don’t you have pants on?” I ask Jeremy.
“I needed someone to trace this and didn’t want to wait too long.” Jeremy shrugs like that sentence makes sense.
“And why is Brendon drawing on your neck?” I cross my arms and cock my head at the two of them.
“I’m going to get it tattooed.” I must have a strange look on my face because Jeremy looks at me and starts laughing.
“Fuck yes!” Brendon shouts. “That sounds like a terrible idea, and I’m one hundred percent on board for this.” He caps the pen and slaps Jeremy’s shoulder. “You should put pants on, though.”
“Hang on.” I hold up my hands and step closer to the disaster duo. “Why are you going to tattoo whatever that is on your neck?”
“It’s Preston’s teeth.” Jeremy shrugs. “To show him I’m in this relationship all the way.”
“Are the two of you sharing a brain now?” I ask, looking between the two of them. “You could just, I don’t know, tell him that?”
Brendon and Jeremy look at each other and shake their heads. “Nah, this is better,” Jeremy says.
“You guys are idiots.” I huff. “Do you have an appointment already or what?”
“No, I figured we could find a place and get it done.” Jeremy shrugs again. “It shouldn’t take that long.” He moves to the door. “I’m going to get dressed.”
Since I can’t leave these two unsupervised, I head to my dresser.
“I’m obviously driving.” I pull open my dresser and start digging for clothes. “I want it on record that this is a stupid idea, and I will not be taking any responsibility.”