Page 50 of Blurred Lines
“I’m not getting naked,” he tells me, kicking the offending material onto the floor, and pulls me against him. “Not today.”
I lay my head on his chest and breathe a sigh of relief at his heartbeat in my ear.
“But you do want to get naked with me again, right? Like, experiment more?”Please, for the love of God, tell me you want to fuck again.
“Oh yeah, definitely.” Paul runs his hand through my hair and pulls my head back so I’m looking up at him. “I want to know how good it feels to be inside you.”
My dick hardens against his thigh, and he chuckles darkly while my face heats.
“How good it feels to push into you, tight and hot.”
My ass clenches at the idea. It’s been a long time since I bottomed, but holy fuck yes, please.
I slide my knee between his and shift to climb over him, but his grip in my hair tightens.
“Go to sleep, Brendon.”
“Uh. But. What?” I blink up at him, sure I didn’t hear him correctly. “You’re kidding, right?”
“No, go to sleep.” He raises that damn eyebrow at me, giving me the no-nonsense look I both hate and love.
“Sleep.” He puts my head back on his chest and wraps his arms around me.
I close my eyes and grumble into him, “I hate you.”
I’ve barely made it back to our room after morning workout when there’s a knock on the door. I grumble, wanting nothing more than to take these stupid pants off, but open the door to find Nikki smiling at me expectantly.Fucking Christ.
“Hey, what’s up?” I try to hide my disappointment and lean against the door. She strides in like she owns the place and sits on Paul’s bed.
“Come on in, make yourself comfortable.” I close the door and sit on my bed.
“Where’s Darby Bear?” She looks around the room with a raised eyebrow and suspicion, then turns to me.
“Huh?” What the fuck is a Darby bear? I look around too, like I know what the fuck I’m looking for.
“The bear I left on your bed.” She says it like that’s helpful. When was she in here?
Bear . . . bear . . . bear . . . there was a bear . . . somewhere . . .
“Riiiight . . .” I turn around to look at my bed, running it through my head where the stupid thing could be. I look at my bed but don’t see anything.
“I put it right here.” I turn to look at her, and she’s pointing to a spot on Paul’s bed.
“That’s not my bed.” I point to Paul’s bed where she’s sitting.
“Is it not?” Nikki cocks her head. “Every time I’ve come in here, you’re sitting on it.”
“He has the TV, so I sit over there a lot, but it’s not mine.”So get off my boyfriend’s bed.
She climbs off the bed like it’s disgusting, and I turn back to mine. On the other side of my pillow I see a brown fuzzy leg and reach for it.
“Here it is.” I show her. and she takes it from me, placing it on the bedside table.Am I a child?