Page 59 of Blurred Lines
My lips crash onto Brendon’s while he’s still talking, and I take advantage of his open lips, thrusting my tongue into his mouth like I’m fucking it. Tasting every inch, every millimeter, of him. I need him branded into my brain, into my flesh, into me. He’smine.Forever.
Brendon’s hands grab my ass and pull my hips to his, and he grinds against me. I groan into him, desperate to feel everything right this second.
I’m lost in him. In this second of time that’s standing still. Wrapped around the man I’ve loved for years and never thought I could actually have, I’ve found peace. The part of me that has been broken since my mom died heals. The scar still shiny and fragile, but it’s there, knitting me back together.
The urge to cry hits the back of my throat and burns my eyes, so I lean my forehead against Brendon and just breathe. Wrapping my arms around his neck to keep him as close as possible, we just exist in this together.
His lips brush against my cheek, placing soft, sweet kisses along my skin.
“You okay, P Man?”
“I love you,” I whisper, opening my eyes to meet his. “So much it scares me.”
Even in the dim light, I can see his brown eyes sparkle at me and the freckles dotting his cheeks.
“We’ll be okay. Come hell or hot water.” The sincerity in his voice almost has me misswhathe said.
“Hot water?” My face scrunches up in confusion.
“Yeah, hell or hot water. It’s a saying.”
I can’t stop the laugh or the smile that turns up my lips.
“It’s hell orhighwater, babe.” I give him a quick kiss, then step back.
“I don’t think so.” Brendon shakes his head. “It’s hell, the water would be hot.”
I sigh and grab his hand so we can find food before having to be back in the hotel.
“Whatever you say.”
Brendon links our fingers and lifts our hands to his mouth, then bites my hand.
“Hey!” I yell at the unexpected sharp pain. “No biting.”
A knowing, sultry look transforms his face. “And we don’t lick people, right?”
Heat floods my body at the mental image of Brendon licking me, taking my cock into his mouth and sucking on me. Fuck. My dick thickens in my jeans, and I have to adjust myself. Brendon snickers, and I glare at him.
“Bastard,” I grumble at him but continue down the street.
There’s a McDonald’s close to the hotel, so we stop and get a bag of burgers before heading back.
We stand together outside, looking up at the building with a bag of cheeseburgers in my hand.
“I don’t want to go in there.” Brendon sighs.
“We could sit in the stairwell again.” I shrug, not wanting to leave him either.
“Or you could come to my room, and I’ll see if I can annoy Willis until he takes your room key and fucks off.”
I laugh but shake my head. “As amusing as that sounds, I don’t want to share you yet.”
Brendon gives me a shy smile and we enter, going to the elevator and getting off on the fourth floor and heading to the opposite staircase as last time. The door closing echoes, but we drop onto the top step, and I put the bag between us.
“This is going to be hard to keep a secret,” Brendon says quietly before taking a massive bite of his burger.
I unwrap the yellow paper and crumble it up into a ball. “Why?”