Page 62 of Blurred Lines
“Is the dorm having a party?” I ask, hoping I can keep both of them close to home. Chasing drunk jocks across campus is not fun, and I’m not sure how much Preston will put up with before disappearing with Jeremy.
“Probably, but the frat houses will be a fuck-ton more fun.” Brendon wags his eyebrows again.
“Since when are you into frat parties?” Jeremy asks the same question I’m thinking.
“Dude. Have you ever been to one? They take drinking to another level.”
I shake my head at him, knowing how it worked out for him last time. I guess it was fun while he was doing it?
“Should we do a theme? Like we’re all superheroes?” Jeremy and his love of Marvel movies makes me laugh.
“I’ll be Batman, Brendon can be Robin.” I smile wide at Jeremy who scoffs.
“DC? Are you serious right now?”
Brendon’s foot hooks around my ankle under the table and pulls so he can wrap both legs around mine. He pulls out his phone and types out a message to someone while I argue with Jeremy over what makes a superhero (apparently having cool toys to save Gotham doesn’t make Batman a superhero), and my phone buzzes in my pocket.
I pull it from my hoodie pocket and see Brendon’s name on the screen.
MENACE: I’ve always wanted to fuck Batman.
I try to hide the smile that itches to stretch across my face, but Jeremy calls me on it.
“Someone send you a titty pic or something?” Jeremy asks.
“What?” I look up at him, confused.
“Why are you smiling at your phone?” Jeremy nods toward my lap.
“Titty pic was your first guess?” I put my phone back in my pocket.
“I was hoping Brendon wasn’t sending dick pics at the table.” Jeremy shrugs and finishes his food.
Brendon moves like he’s going to pull his dick out right here in the dining hall, but I slap his arm, and he stops with a big grin on his face.
“If you pull your dick out in here and Preston finds out, he will murder you, and I won’t be able to stop him,” I tell him, and Jeremy snickers.
“That’s true,” Willis says as he walks past our table.
“It was just a message from Grandma. Apparently, Drumstick is being a broody bitch again.”
We finish our food and put our trays away. Jeremy and Brendon run from the dining hall and start pretending to do karate on the lawn, then end up rolling around on the grass like a couple of dumbasses.
It makes me happy to see him being his goofy self. I love all the parts of him, all the different versions that exist in him, but this one reminds me to laugh and have fun. I stand at the edge of the cement pathway and watch my best friends wrestle and laugh while yelling insults at each other.
Carpenter stops next to me and crosses his arms, bumping his shoulder into mine. “They really are children, aren’t they?” he huffs and shakes his head.
“Yeah sometimes.” I watch as Brendon gets Jeremy in a head lock and wraps his legs around Jeremy’s hips. Jeremy taps out and screams a high-pitched sound.
“Does that make you Daddy?” Carp smirks and laughs to himself.
“I mean . . .” I sigh and shake my head when Jeremy charges at Brendon, knocking him to the ground and tickling our redheaded friend until he shrieks.
Our captain claps my shoulder. “Good luck, man.”
The sun is setting, and the lights around campus come on. Jeremy and Brendon run toward me, covered in grass.
I hold up my hands to slow them down. “No!”