Page 64 of Blurred Lines
We make our way to the frat houses and look around. Looks like they’re basically having a block party. All the houses are decorated, the street is blocked off and decorated, and there’s people everywhere. Each house has a different theme. One is Barbie, one is superheroes, one looks like a Ren fair, and so on.
Hot breath caresses my neck before lips move against my ear. “Remember, flirting is okay, but no touching.”
A smile takes over my face, and I lift my phone to take a selfie with Paul and Jeremy before we get shit-faced. Preston is meeting us here for whatever reason. I don’t know. He’s not my problem.
I stick my tongue out, Jeremy cheeses hard, and Paul just lifts an eyebrow trying to look unamused.
“This damn costume doesn’t have pockets!” I growl. “How do chicks do this?!”
Paul huffs and takes my phone. “You’re just going to lose it.”
He’s not wrong. I head in the direction of a table with what looks like Jell-O shots. I pay for three and grab blue ones.
Jeremy takes it, but Paul shakes his head. “Someone has to stay mostly sober.”
I shrug and toss back both mine and his. I’m not wasting perfectly good vodka.
“What flavor was that?” Jeremy asks with a disgusted look, scrunching up his face.
“I don’t know. Blue.” I toss the cups in the trash and move on. Looks like every house has their own drink station set up, and everyone has a different drink. I am about to be wasted.
The sun has barely set and there’s already people puking in the street and in bushes. Amateurs.
There’s candy all over the place, bottles and cans and cups littering the ground, and music blasting from the houses. Games are set up, people are fucking in the shadows, and I think this is debauchery at its finest.
Idon’t know when I took on the role of fun police with Jeremy and Brendon, but it feels like it’s just always been that way. They decide to do dumb shit, and I follow along to make sure they don’t get hurt or kicked off the hockey team. Unfortunately, in a situation like tonight, I can’t keep them both at arm’s length, so after Brendon has had four drinks, he disappears. Jeremy is bobbing for boob squishies in water for some reason, and I’m kind of surprised Brendon isn’t right here with him. Seriously, where is Preston?
A drenched-faced Jeremy lifts a dripping foam boob with a triumphant smile on his face. “I did it!”
He shoves the boob down the front of his suit and giggles like a schoolgirl at the round spot on his chest.
Jeremy looks at me, and I shake my head.
“Dude, have a beer and lighten up. Get laid or something.” He smacks my stomach and walks off. If I’m being honest, he’s the better one to leave alone. Only the devil knows where Brendon is and what he’s getting himself into.
I scan the street again and catch a flash of short red hair. Hustling toward it, I find Brendon dancing with a chick dressed like Barbie and a Ken doll is grinding against his ass.
Does this cross the flirt but don’t touch rule? I’m not entirely sure. Part of me likes watching him enjoy himself. It’s erotic, the way his body moves while sandwiched between them. His hands on her waist, guiding her to arch the way he wants while the man behind him does the same. If I were dancing with him, I wouldn’t get to see it like this.
Opening my camera app, I record him for a few minutes. The knowing smile on his face and the carnal sway of his body.
His head turns, and our eyes lock. The smile turns into a smirk, and he grinds into the guy harder. It’s sexier than I expected, to be teased like this. No one knows we’re married, not even Jeremy and Preston. It’s no one’s business what we’re doing in the privacy of our room, but it also means that I can’t walk up to him right now and own his mouth the way I want to.
The bastard knows it too.
It’s like he’s edging me, and if I’m being honest with myself, I kind of love it. The buildup of sexual tension that will at some point burst into mind-numbing pleasure. It has to give in at some point, right?
I’m not sure why Brendon seems hesitant to have sex, but he also doesn’t seem to want to talk about it. Orgasms are great in any form, but I kind of expected to fuck more once we got the first time out of the way.
I stop recording and lean against the house with my arms crossed. Brendon leans down like he’s going to kiss the girl’s neck while keeping eye contact with me. I lift an eyebrow and square my shoulders. He smiles like he’s won a prize and pulls back.
I’m going to make him pay for that later. He better not be wasted when we get back.