Page 24 of Filthy Desire
Gio didn’t get all his money back but the anger that had plagued him all week was mostly gone. Justice had been served.
And now that his adrenaline was running hot from the kill, he needed an outlet.
Gio took one last look at himself to ensure he’d cleaned up enough, then headed back to the security room. Roman was waiting.
“Everything’s been disposed,” Roman commented.
Gio nodded. “Let’s head back and get Kara. I’ve had enough work for one night.”
They locked up and walked upstairs to the main salon.
He stepped back into the world of luxury and glamour.
There was a larger than usual crowd gathered around table one. As Gio grew closer, he observed Kara and one other player, tech billionaire Geoffrey Saint, battling it out for the win.
Saint was one of Gio’s best clients, visiting the casino every week without fail. The thirty-one-year-old loved blackjack, expensive tequila, and the company of beautiful women.
Gio noticed the intense way Geoffrey was studying Kara. His temper ignited.
Buttoning his suit jacket, Gio slowly walked over to the table and stood behind Kara, giving Geoffrey a glare that sent lesser men running. Geoffrey was too busy staring at Kara, and then his cards, to notice.
Even Gio could admit that the excitement around the table was palpable. It was good for business. People loved watching a winner take all.
Kara, then Geoffrey, flipped over their cards and waited for the dealer to do the same.
Geoffrey had seventeen. Kara twenty.
“The lady wins again,” the dealer announced, and cheers erupted all around.
Geoffrey smiled at Kara, the whiteness of his teeth nearly blinding. “I hate to lose, but I don’t mind forfeiting to the most beautiful woman in the room. Would you care to join me for a cocktail?”
“I’m afraid I’m done playing games for the night. But thank you Mr. Saint,” Kara replied politely.
“It’s Geoffrey.”
“It’s late and we have other plans,” Gio interrupted as he placed his hands on Kara’s shoulders.
Geoffrey Saint could fuck right the hell off. No way was Gio letting him get anywhere near Kara.
“I’m sorry, Gio, I didn’t realize she was with you,” Geoffrey replied with a nod. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Kara. I hope we’ll see each other again.”
The blond man stood up and made his way through the crowd to the bar.
Kara collected her chips, then stood up and faced Gio.
“What the fuck was that?” Gio demanded.
“That was Geoffrey Saint coming on to me.”
“No fucking kidding, smart ass. You better not be making plans with him. Or have you forgotten why you’re here?” Gio snapped.
Kara sighed and stepped closer, facing off. “First off, you don’t own me. And before you spout off about ruining me again, let’s be real. You’re not going to do that. You try to ruin my work, and I’ll go to whoever I need to and inform them all about my number one client.”
Gio chuckled. “Who’re you gonna tell, Red? The cops? The D.A.? Do you think I don’t have friends in high places? Never, in my thirty-five years, have I had so much as a parking ticket. Don’t try to bluff me. You’re a good player but I’m better. Now cash in your winnings and let’s go. You have a debt to pay off.”
Kara’s green eyes swirled with anger and Gio was painfully aroused.
“Once I’m done with you, you can feel free to chase after Geoffrey.”