Page 39 of Filthy Desire
Was he talking to her, Alek, or to Vincent? Probably all of them.
Vincent’s words were muffled by the napkin, but his angry eyes said everything.
Gio whipped off the mouth covering, and Vincent spat on Gio’s feet.
“Stealing from me is one thing. Butyoustealing from me? I fucking trusted you, Vincent. With my life. And you fucking betrayed that trust. You deserve worse than death!”
“Fuck you!” Vincent spat out.
Instead of reacting, Gio nodded at Roman. Vincent was hauled up and tied to one of the hooks on the ceiling. With his body stretched out and his feet barely dragging on the floor, he continued to struggle.
Gio calmly pulled out his gun and pistol-whipped Vincent’s face.
The crunch of bones meeting steel echoed loudly in the damp space. Gio did it again and again, as blood dripped down Vincent’s cheeks, his lips, his eyes.
“My turn,” Alek stated. Instead of his gun, he pulled out a knife. “I have special skills. I am old fashioned. I like to carve wood as a hobby. Is relaxing. What do you say I have some fun creating something new out of your face, Vincent?”
Vincent began to shake his head and the fear in his eyes was back. “No. No. Wait.”
“Where is your brother and where is my money?” Alek growled.
Vincent’s body shook but he stayed silent.
Alex made one long cut down Vincent’s torso, like he was starting an autopsy. Kara swallowed back bile as Vincent’s screams pierced the air. The coppery smell of blood and ammonia filling the air.
There was no turning back now. She was a witness. And now Gio’s full-fledged partner in crime.
“He’s… gone. Mexico. Took the money. I was supposed to meet him down there. Too late…”
“Yes, it is,” Gio declared as he shot Vincent in the head execution style.
The roar of the gun firing had Kara jolting and wanting to cover her ears. But she refused to show fear.
Alex shook his head and turned to face Gio. “What the fuck, Gio? I had more questions.”
“There was nothing more he was gonna say.”
Alex crossed his arms and sighed.
“Roman, let’s get the body in the SUV and dump him like usual. Then Alek needs to get to the airport, and we’ll drop Kara at home. I’m going to get Jasper on this to find out where Colton is. And take Vincent’s keys, phone, ID. After we’re done dumping, search his home, his car, everything.”
“Of course.” Roman nodded.
“I have a private plane near Newark fuelled up,” Alek replied.
After wiping his knife on a handkerchief, Alek placed it back under his coat. Then he pulled out his phone and began typing.
“My plane will be ready in an hour.”
“Let’s roll.”
They loaded Vincent’s body into the SUV. Roman stayed in the back seat with Alek, taping up Vincent arms and legs. Gio drove to a remote area in Jersey, and they dumped the body in the swamp, weighed down with rocks and anything heavy they could find.
Then Roman took over his driving duties and headed to the airport.
They pulled up to a private airstrip just outside of Newark and Kara spotted a jet on the runway tarmac.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Kara, although I wish it were under better circumstances,” Alek replied as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. She nodded but quickly pulled her hand back. “Gio is a lucky SOB. I hope we meet again. Do svidaniya, Krasnya Koroleva.”