Page 48 of Filthy Desire
But it was her eyes that shocked her. There was a softness to them, a look of happiness that just couldn’t be denied. It was a look she wasn’t used to seeing. It made her nerves kick even higher.
That look wasn’t just about the high of good sex. It was the synergy that pulsed between her and Gio, all day, all night. Gio saw her, understood her. She could challenge him, and he would match her. He would never back down.
Together, they were walking down a path that had no end in sight. And Kara was so looking forward to the journey.
“You look incredibly beautiful tonight,” Gio whispered as he picked up her hand and kissed it.
That was another surprise. He was always touching her. Her hair, her lower back, her hand. And not just as a prelude to sex. It made Kara feel all kinds of things she never knew she was capable of feeling.
“Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself,” she replied as she took in his slim cut, navy suit. “I’m looking forward to meeting your grandfather.”
“He’s a tough SOB. But direct, no bullshit. Just be yourself and you’ll be fine.”
She nodded in reply. She wanted to learn everything she could about the man who’d molded Gio. There was much more to her lover than his fear-inducing last name. And Kara wanted to know everything…
They pulled up to a brownstone in Brooklyn, a three-story mansion with a red door.
Gio stepped out first and held his hand as she exited the SUV.
They walked up the steps and knocked on the front door. An older woman with grey hair answered and ushered them inside.
“Buonasera, Laura. This is my partner, Kara Delaine. Kara, Laura Giancelli, my grandfather’s housekeeper,” Gio murmured.
“Nice to meet you,” Kara replied.
“You as well.” Laura smiled and turned back to Gio. “And may I say, Gio, it’s about time. Your grandfather is waiting in the dining room.”
Laura motioned to the hallway, and they followed her.
The house was filled with pictures, row after row on the walls that lined the entry.
Kara recognized some famous faces, but most were unknown to her. Except the pictures of Gio.
The closer they got to the back of the house, the stronger the scent of tomatoes, garlic, and onions. She had a feeling she was in for the best meal of her life. She’d worked up quite an appetite over the past twenty-four hours and was looking forward to the food.
They turned at the last doorway on the right and entered a bright dining room.
There, at the end of a long mahogany table, sat Gio’s grandfather. With a full head of thick grey hair, a weathered face filled with lines and wrinkles and the same vivid blue eyes, Kara was looking at an older version of Gio. Mario had a cane propped up beside him and motioned with his hand for them to come forward.
“Excuse my rudeness, but I won’t attempt to get up. It’s hard enough for me to walk from my bedroom to the dining room.”
“Kara Delaine, this is my grandfather, Mario Ferraro. Nonno, this is Kara.”
Gio placed his arm around Kara’s waist and led her to his grandfather. Gio bent down and kissed his grandfather’s cheeks. Kara waited and did the same. Mario smelled like old spice and tobacco. It reminded her of her own grandfather. A strange kind of ache settled in her chest. A longing for things past, the family that had disinherited her.
No, that wouldn’t do. The past was gone. And Kara lived only for the present.
“A pleasure to meet you, Kara. My grandson has spoken of you quite a lot lately. And may I say he was right. You are a stunning woman.”
Kara’s cheeks flushed. “Thank you, Mr. Ferraro.”
“Mario, please.”
“Mario. You have a lovely home.”
“Thanks. It’s hellishly expensive to maintain but I wouldn’t live anywhere else.”
“Not racing to fly south?” Kara asked.