Page 15 of Hell Bent
“See that bitch that Xander’s fucking?” Jackson pointed to the nearby table and the blonde woman whose moans were getting louder and louder. “She blew me earlier. What a mouth on her, man. Bitch knows how to suck cock.”
“That good?” Dante asked.
Jackson rolled his eyes and shuddered dramatically.
“It was better than good, but her perfume made me gag.”
“She’s the one supposed to be gagging.”
“Right?” Jackson smirked and nudged his shoulder. “You okay, man? Did seeing that hand today give you flashbacks?”
Dante had told all his brothers about his history in the marines and some of the shit he’d witnessed, including his PTSD. There were no secrets among them.
And there had been several times when Dante had taken off for a few days to ride alone. Other times he’d experimented with ecstasy to flush away the memories, but the temporary high only gave way to greater anxiety in the days after. Now he enjoyed booze and the occasional hit of coke. And pot when he really needed to relax.
“I’m fine. I probably should have shot Padraig while I had the chance.”
“Six against two, brother, and in public. Those ain’t good odds,” Jackson declared. “But that whole thing with the hand and the ring, it’s a little over the top, yeah? I mean, what kind of sick game is he playing at?”
“I don’t know but I hate that kind of shit. I’m worried about the shop. And the gun range. Fuck, any of our public businesses could be targeted if he gets aggressive.”
“I’m more concerned about him or one of his crew getting the drop on us when we’re alone. We should stick in pairs from now on.”
Dante nodded, then poured two more shots of whiskey. He passed one glass to Jackson and gave a toast.
“Here’s to our crew, living free for Saturday nights and Sunday mornings.”
They clinked glasses and downed their shots.
Dante poured another one. And another.
Five shots later, Jackson caught the eye of another rando, a local woman named Paola. She worked at Sam’s diner as a waitress and was a regular at their parties. Normally she hooked up with Xander, but he was still banging that blonde like it was an Olympic sport. And Paola was adamant that tonight she wanted to ride a cowboy.
That hat of Jackson’s got him laid more than his looks, come on lines, or his even his sled.
“Back to my place, bitch,” Jackson said to her with a filthy grin and a hard swat to the woman’s ass.
“I want Dante to join us,” she insisted and smiled at Dante. “You guys can DP me.”
Oddly enough, Dante waved them off.
He was still pissed at Lina for stalking off and leaving his dick high and his balls dry. Jacking off got rid of some of his tension but not all of it. But he wasn’t in the mood to share tonight either.
So Dante stumbled out of the barn and wandered back to his cottage.
His head was fucked up and all he wanted now was sleep. To forget the day. To forget everything.
Until he noticed what looked like a ball of fire in the distance, where the center of town was located. And a huge cloud of smoke hovered over it. The shrill echo of sirens was faint, but he could hear them above the noise of the party.
He blinked once but the fire was still there.
Dante wasn’t hallucinating.
Longford was burning.