Page 42 of Hell Bent
The other man had long blond hair, and a scar that ran from his lower lip to his chin.
“Business. Downtown.”
She glanced up at Raven’s eyes and saw nothing but contempt.
“We’re gonna party, you want in?” Axel asked them.
Raven shook his head, but Clint nodded and gave Sage a once over that made her skin crawl.
She was hauled inside, and the dim lighting made it difficult to see.
It looked like a living room, with two big couches and piles of beer bottles and food containers everywhere. It smelled like cigarettes, stale beer, and piss.
They kept walking and entered the next room. It was a kitchen. Sort of.
More bottles and containers littered the counters.
“Sit,” Axel ordered and pushed her to the island in the center.
Sage glanced at the cracked leather stools and sat down, thankful she had on jeans and not shorts. Axel headed for the fridge, pulled out three beers, and passed them over.
“Let’s get fucked,” Axel announced and tipped his bottle back.
Raven entered the room, and the atmosphere shifted, thick with tension.
Sage distracted herself and took a sip of beer, the cold bottle soothing against her sore lip.
“Changed my mind,” Raven declared and took the beer from her hand, finishing it in one long, gulp. “I ain’t seen you around at one of our parties. Where you from, bitch?”
“Stoneview, just outside Longford.”
“Where you really from?” Raven’s raspy voice was laced with attitude.
“Kutlidge, B.C. Hate that fucking rain and the stench of the canning factories. And men that are boring as shit. Alberta suits me a whole lot better.” She looked around and gave Clint and Axel a flirty once over.
Hopefully they bought her act.
There was no time to waste. Sage needed an opportunity to spike their drinks. It was now or never.
“I was promised whiskey. And a hit,” she stated, changing the subject.
Raven nodded. “You heard her, go get a bottle of whiskey. And some coke. We want her to enjoy what’s coming next.”
“That’s more like it.” Sage cocked her head and licked her lips.
Axel walked over to the pantry and pulled out a new bottle of whiskey and four glasses. After pouring a generous amount in each one, he turned to Clint. “Go get the good stuff.”
Clint left the room and came back a minute later with a baggy filled with white powder.
Sage needed a distraction, something to make them look the other way…
She looked to the window that was set over the sink and motioned to it. “What’s that light out there? You expecting company?”
“No. Ax, what the fuck? Were you followed?” Raven asked, and all three men turned to look outside.
Sage slid the capsules out of her pocket and into the glasses, watching as they dissolved into the whiskey.