Page 44 of Hell Bent
“What did you do to Rosemary Benson?” Sage demanded. “Tell me!”
“Rosemary… stupid cunt,” Raven muttered and then closed his eyes again. “Good riddance. We got… rid of her.”
Raven’s eyes rolled back in his head. Sage shook him but he passed out again, as heavy as stone.
She grabbed Axel’s handgun and slid it in the waistband of her jeans and ran out of the building as fast as she could, which wasn’t that fast given her four-inch heels.
Following the stone pathway around the house, she headed north and spotted the cabin. It was in darkness, save for a lone outdoor light. She didn’t see any cameras but that didn’t mean they weren’t there.
Tapping on her earring, Sage managed to speak, despite the huge lump of fear in her throat. “Sonny, you hear me?”
“What’s the status?”
“There’s three crew on site. The rest of them, including Padraig, are in Canmore proper. The drug hit hard. I only got a bit of info out of them, as well as their keys, and their phones. They’re passed out. I’m heading to the north end of the property to search Padraig’s cabin.”
“Xander’s jammed their security feed, but we don’t know how long we have. Or if that cabin has an alarm. I’ve pulled up closer to the gate. You better haul ass outta there right now.”
Sage ignored his order and kept following the pathway until she reached the steps of the cabin.
“Sage, answer me!” Sonny yelled in her ear.
“I hear you,” she snapped. “But I’m going in. I’ll be fast.”
She crept up the steps. The door was locked, no surprise. Pulling out the keys, she tried one set and then another. Finally, the third set of keys was a match.
Sage opened the door, reaching for the gun just in case. Her rapid heartbeat was pounding fast and furious. She was inundated with the smell of sweat, stale cigarette smoke, and something she couldn’t identify. Something oddly metallic, like sulphur.
Flicking on a light switch, she gazed around the room. It was basic, with a big couch, a TV, and a coffee table littered with cigarette butts. There was a black safe in the corner of the room, along with a stack of cash sitting on top.
Sage headed for the safe, but it was locked. She took a picture of it and looked around the cabin but other than cash, clothes, and cigarettes, there was nothing. No pictures, no personal items, save for the condoms and sex toys in Padraig’s bedside table.
Like Sage didn’t have enough nightmares as it was.
Padraig also had a copious collection of knives and guns, displayed in the closet of his bedroom.
She took pictures of everything.
“Sage.” Her earpiece crackled to life again with Sonny’s raspy voice. “Get the fuck outta there. I hear sleds in the distance, and we can’t wait any longer. We’re leaving in two minutes, with or without you. Your choice.”
Running back into the living room, she took more pictures, then hightailed it out of the cabin.
The heels were slowing her down. Despite the cold, she yanked off her booties and started running.
The main house was still in darkness, save for the kitchen light.
Keep going, don’t stop.
Everything in her body burned – her feet, her lungs, her legs. Sage ignored the pain when her feet hit the gravel driveway and almost cried in relief when she reached grass again.
With trembling hands, she typed out the passcode and as soon as the gate started to slide open, she bolted through it.
The Hellraiser’s SUV was parked on the road, the engine running.
Sonny wasn’t kidding. As soon as she slid inside the back of the vehicle, he took off and her door was still hanging half open.
“What the fuck, Sage? When we tell you to get out, you get out!” Dante yelled from the passenger seat and turned around to face her. “Are you fucking crazy?”
Completely out of breath from running and from the adrenaline crashing through her system, she collapsed against the back seat.