Page 71 of Hell Bent
A sudden knock at the door startled them.
“Enter!” Xander yelled out.
Jesse stepped into the room.
“You texted? What’s up?”
Xander motioned to the chair next to Sage.
“You actually read my text. I thought you were ignoring me again,” Xander bit out.
Sage caught the staring contest between the two men. The tension in the room was so thick even Sage found it hard to breathe.
“And why would I do that?” Jesse snapped.
“You tell me, hot stuff.”
“Knock it off, Xan.”
“Can we focus for fuck’s sake?” Dante intervened. “What do you need help with?”
Xander gave Jesse one last scowl and turned to his laptop. “I was able to download the call logs for the past fourteen months. I’m working on going further back but I need more time. I’d like you to guys to look through the lists with me and see if you notice any patterns. I did the same with the text messages but they’re pretty careful not to name names.”
Xander had three other laptops on his deck. He reached for them, handing the computers over to Dante.
“There’s a laptop for each of you. Go through the lists in the folder marked HandofDeath, there’s a subfolder for each of you. I broke down the call logs by cell holder. Highlight anything that stands out to you. Phone patterns, cell tower ping locations, that kind of thing. If the four of us go through the data, we should be done in a couple of hours.”
After finishing her coffee and inhaling another donut, Sage got to work.
So too did Dante and Jesse.
The room was silent for the next two hours, except for the clack of the keyboards and the regular ping of Xander’s phone.
“Can you mute those fucking notifications?” Jesse bit out. “It’s distracting.”
“Sorry ‘bout that,” Xander winked at him. “Getting my fuck buddies lined up for the week ahead.”
Jesse set the laptop aside and leaned over Xander’s desk. “My dad, your president, is with the police, two of our businesses are gone, and we’re gonna have the Midnight crew up our ass any minute now given what Sage did to them last night. Maybe stop thinking with your cock for one goddamn second and focus on what’s needed!”
“Fuck off, Jess! I work my ass off for the greater good of this club. I haven’t had as much as three hours sleep in the past week,” Xander pulled his long hair. “I was just making a joke to lighten the mood. Relax.”
Jesse sat back and opened his laptop again.
Sage looked at Dante and Dante rolled his eyes. “You guys need to work out whatever the fuck is going on. Give the rest of us some peace from the constant fighting.”
Xander and Jesse sat silent, glaring at Dante.
Sage ignored the drama in the room and focused on pouring through the phone records. She highlighted several repeat callers. Some of the locations were recognizable, the strip club, the crew’s home base…
So far, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Even the text message threads were vague, never naming names or specific locations.
An hour later, she reached the end of the call log.
“Can I look at some of the other subfolders?”
Xander nodded.
Sage opened the one marked Raven.