Page 86 of Hell Bent
“I am. We catch them on their way out and bam. Done.”
“They must have cameras watching us. Why would they walk right out if they see us?”
“Padraig has to walk out of there. Otherwise, he looks like a chickenshit who’s afraid of another club and no prez would ever do that. No self-respecting one, at least,” Dante explained. “Remember, you’re there for cover. Knock out the cameras from the word go. Me and Sonny are first shooters, then Gage and Nate. You and Avery watch our backs. Don’t go cowboy on me and start popping guys off left and right. If we do call on you to shoot, aim for the head.”
Dante picked up his binoculars and glanced around. The country road was deserted. The overcast sky looked like it was going to open and rain down any minute, and the wind had picked up.
A tiny tendril of fear slithered through Dante’s body, but he ignored it. He’d been in worse situations and came out all right. This would be no different.
There was no guarantee of course, but if you weren’t confident, you might as well walk away.
His ear comm buzzed and he tapped on it. “What’s up, Sonny?”
“I see movement down the driveway. Get in position.”
All his training in the military served him well. Despite his racing heart, his hands were steady. He checked his guns quickly and took a deep breath. He was ready.
Dante looked at Wyatt beside him, then Jackson in the back seat. “We’re a go.”
All three of them slid out of the car, quietly, with their guns in hand and their faces covered.
Daylight was fading and gave them enough cover as they ran along the road to take up position near the front entrance of the property. The rows of trees and bushes that surrounded the area were enough to keep them hidden, if only for a short while.
Dante looked up and spotted the group of men walking towards the gate. All armed, all ready to fight.
But there would only be one winner, and one side would not come out alive.
This was the reality of biker life. One that had no room for second place.
Bring it on, assholes.
He tapped his earpiece again. “Get the cameras.”
Several shots rang out.
“I see nine of them, all armed.”
“We ain’t afraid of you motherfuckers!” A voice yelled out. It was one of the Carnage crew. “Don’t you fucking hide! Show your faces before we blow them all to hell!”
More shots rang out, this time from the Carnage crew. Dante waited for a pause in the gunfire. Then he took a quick look around. “One of them is unlocking the gate. Get ready in three.”
Glancing at his brothers, Dante held up a hand with three fingers.
The sound of the gate opening coincided with Dante and the rest of his brethren leaping out and taking aim at the men in their sight line.
The recruits and the lower ranking members were at the front of the pack, shielding the president and the VPs. Most of them had handguns, but two had shotguns.
Shots fired from both sides and the flurry of noise echoed in the still air.
Sonny and Dante took down two of them within the first thirty seconds, but not before their enemy managed to fire back.
The blast of gunfire was deafening as Dante quickly crouched low and took aim, firing again.