Page 21 of They Were Roommates
“Are you sure? I can make myself scarce if you need me to,” Frankie offered in a flat tone.
Did Diego want that? He could tell Frankie to go back to wherever he’d been two nights ago and he could have amazing sex with Emilio, where his body would feel valid and worshiped and – his phone buzzed in his pocket, interrupting his lust filled spiral.
He glanced one last time at Frankie’s stiff posture and tense shoulders and finalized his conviction. “No, it’s alright. You’re very welcome to stay and hang out.”
Diego ran down the stairs and out to the front of the shop, unlocking the deadbolt and raising the privacy shield. For some reason, Frankie trailed after him. Diego immediately wished he hadn’t when Emilio enveloped him in a hug and kissed him on both cheeks and then the lips. This was always how they used to greet each other, but it suddenly felt grossly intimate in front of Frankie.
“¡Quibo Diego! ¿Que tal? ¡Tanto tiempo sin verte!” Emilio exclaimed pulling Diego in for another hug. Like Emilio said, it really had been a long time since they’d seen each other, and Diego allowed himself to melt into the hug for a moment.
Emilio’s hand drifted down Diego’s back towards his ass until a sharp throat clearing pulled them apart. Frankie was glancing between them in shock and before his surprise could turn to hostility, Emilio grabbed Diego’s chin and turned his face back to look at him.
He searched Diego’s eyes for a moment before murmuring, “Diego… ¿Es tu novio?”
Diego took a step back and shook his head. Emilio’s hand immediately went to his lower back, holding him close, but at least not openly fondling him anymore. “No…no es mi novio. Este es—”
“Frankie. Diego’s best friend, business partner – and roommate,” Frankie said coldly, stepping forward and offering a hand to Emilio. Diego was momentarily shocked that Frankie knew the word for boyfriend when Diego had clearly never taught it to him. For obvious reasons.
“¿Son compañeros de cuarto?”Emilio said in a teasing voice, raising an eyebrow suggestively as he accepted Frankie’s hand.
Diego nearly face palmed. “Did you just suggestively ask if we were roommates?”
Frankie’s eyes darkened and his hand fell back to his side. Emilio let out a loud chuckle seemingly unable to read the room, or perhaps just choosing to ignore the tension. “Sí, bello. Eso es lo que dije.”
Diego’s back immediately stiffened at the endearment, one he had definitely never used on Frankie. Emilio, possibly misinterpreting his reaction, ran his hand up and down Diego’s spine. Frankie caught the movement and his hands balled into fists. Diego had no idea how to respond; Emilio’s warm touch was admittedly pretty distracting.
As the silence stretched between them, Emilio snaked his hand around Diego’s waist and cupped his hip, a move that used to make Diego swoon inside. Under the watchful eye of his roommate though, it made him feel naked and exposed. That is, until Frankie crossed his arms defensively over his chest and glared at Diego. Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“How about we all go upstairs. Em, we have beer and wine, maybe some snacks.”
“I think I’ll let you two… enjoy your night. I’m just going to grab my stuff,” Frankie said, jerking his chin over his shoulder. He backed away from them and watched like they were rabid animals about to attack.
Diego wanted to stop him but didn’t know what to say, so he just watched Frankie disappear into the backroom. His shoulders sagged and he leaned back into Emilio’s comforting touch. Emilio stepped forward, slotting his semi-soft body behind Diego’s. Emilio had been a little smaller in college, but Diego had always loved the fullness of his body, and how he was able to make Diego feel simultaneously like a man in charge, but also a little small and protected. He’d filled out even more since he’d gone back to Peru with both muscle and a soft layer of padding Diego wanted to sink into.
Emilio ran his lips up Diego’s neck, pausing right by his ear. “Lo siento mucho, Diego. No quise—”
“Hey, Em… I’m sorry.” Diego took a small step forward and turned around. He lifted his arms up to wrap around Emilio’s neck like he used to do when saying goodbye for the night. Was he saying goodbye? He didn’t want to, but he also didn’t want to say goodbye to Frankie the way they just had, even if he was being a bit of a brat about the whole thing.
“Could we switch to English?” Diego asked. “It’s kind of hard for me to translate quickly when I’m a bit… er… flustered.” Emilio threaded his arms behind Diego’s lower back and pulled their bodies flush together. With anyone else, anyone except Emilio, Collin, or Frankie, he would have cringed as his packer pressed against Emilio’s thigh. But Emilio had not only seen it, he’d also put it in his mouth, taken it in hand and…
... best not to finish that train of thought right now.
“Do you not think in Spanish?” Emilio asked. His English came out more accented than it had been the last time Diego had seen him.
“No, not anymore. I just don’t get to use it often enough.” All except for those pesky endearments he used on Frankie. Those would roll around his head at the most inopportune times. God, he better not slip in front of Emilio. He’d never hear the end of it.
“Ah,sí,I understand. Well, I am very sorry, Diego. I did not mean to upset your friend.”
“I don’t think you upset him; I think he might just be trying to give us space to… do things.”
Emilio smiled wickedly. “Would you like to do things?”
Diego bit his lip. Before he could answer, Frankie hustled by them. He turned at the last second to look uncomfortably at Diego. “I… I’ll see you later, D.”
“Franklin!” Diego pulled away from Emilio, but with a quick shake of his head, Frankie was out the door and out of sight.
Emilio watched Diego as he slowly shut and locked the privacy gate and then the front door. He remained silent as he followed Diego up to the apartment and accepted a beer. When he sat down on the couch Diego hesitated, not knowing how close to sit. Emilio finally spoke. “I would very much like to do things with you, Diego, but it does not seem like you want to.”
Diego sagged, and slowly sank down next to Emilio. Emilio lifted his arm and Diego gratefully snuggled against him. They had cuddled a lot when they’d been sleeping together because Diego loved it, and Emilio seemed to love all forms of touch. Even though it was completely inappropriate, Diego felt himself growing hard, and a little wet as he leaned against Emilio’s body. His packer would hide the first, and the second was always hidden and much less prevalent since he’d started taking testosterone, but his flaming cheeks couldn’t be helped.