Page 27 of They Were Roommates
Frankie pressed their lips together in a soft kiss, nothing like the collision of Saturday night when Frankie had wanted to consume Diego. He’d wanted to hold him so tight he would become a part of Frankie, and he’d never be able to leave him.
This time their mouths moved in sync as if they’d been kissing for years. Like their bodies had been getting to know each other this whole time and only now were allowed to show it. Diego reached up and gripped the hair at the back of Frankie’s neck. Frankie had never had anyone do that before and when Diego used his grip to pull, Frankie moaned.
Diego ran his tongue down Frankie’s neck and sank his teeth into a particular spot on his throat. It was still a little bruised from the last time Diego had done it. Frankie keened and threaded his hands through Diego’s thick, lush hair. He’d reacted quite poorly when Frankie had said he wanted him to mark him last time but maybe this time was different?
“Staking your… your territory?” Frankie panted, tilting his head to the side to let him work his way down lower on his neck.
“Yes. Just fucking say the words, Frankie…tu eres mio.”
“Tu…eres mio?” Frankie asked.
Diego growled, actually growled like some sort of teen heartthrob werewolf. Frankie realized with an embarrassing jolt he could definitely be into that.
“Are you asking?” Diego asked.
“I was asking what it meant but… roughly translating here, I’m assuming it means ‘you is me’… so, you—”
“Are mine. All you have to do is say yes,” Diego rumbled. His voice hit a register so low Frankie could barely hear him. Instead, he felt it in the muscles in his chest. It traveled through his ribs and into his heart, pumping out to every corner of his body with the rapid beating of his pulse.
“Oui, je suis à toi,” Frankie said. A final tear rolled down his cheeks as Diego surged forward and captured Frankie’s mouth in an achingly sweet kiss.
“Franklin, do you mean it? You’ll be my boyfriend?”
“Yes,” Frankie whispered and in the brief pause after his words he heard a shuffling noise on the other side of Seth and Obie’s door.
Frankie let out a wet laugh and brought his hands up to cover Diego’s ears. “Yes schnookums, I’ll happily be your cock sleeve!” Frankie yelled. He heard a crash from behind the closed bedroom door and let out another laugh.
Diego winced at the volume, and then a frown creased his brow. “Frankie, we’re going to need a few conversations about sex.”
“Oh, I know! Sorry, I was just—”
“Bothering our amazing friends who have been housing your ass this past month?” Diego teased, a genuine smile spreading across his lips. It pulled a grin out of Frankie, but then he schooled his expression.
“I’m ready and very willing to have whatever conversations you need to have with me, Diego. I haven’t been with anyone else in almost four months, and I’ve been tested twice and am on PrEP.”
Diego sat back so his butt was on the ground, and he brought his legs out to the side, bracketing Frankie’s body. “I’m also on PrEP and haven’t been with anyone since grad school. I was tested sometime last year, but I should probably get tested again. Some things can spread in locker rooms and on towels. Better safe than sorry.”
Frankie nodded and reached for his phone. He scrolled to his test results and held them out to Diego, who looked skeptically down at his phone. “I… I trust you,querido. You don’t have to share them with me.”
Frankie scowled at him and put his phone away. “D, you always have to see them. You can never be too careful. Someone could lie about how recent their results are, or if they’re doing poppers or K they might say they’re tested in the heat of the moment even if they’re not.”
Diego was looking at him with such a horrified expression Frankie couldn’t help but pull him into his arms, which resulted in Diego sort of curling up into his lap. “Right. I forget sometimes that you haven’t really experienced gay hook-up culture,” Frankie murmured.
“No, I… I haven’t,” Diego mumbled. He curled a fist into Frankie’s t-shirt. “But, I don’t have to worry about that anymore, right?”
“No,mon chéri, you don’t. You just saw my test results. Maybe now you’ll actually take it seriously and read them, and you’ll go get tested and we’ll be good to go.”
“Okay, and, uh, I have permanent birth control, so… we’re good on that too.”
For a moment Frankie almost laughed, and then with a jolt, he realized Diego was being completely serious. Fuck, he wasn’t just a gay man, he was a trans gay man and Frankie had best not forget lest he absolutely fucking step in it like by laughing at the idea of his boyfriend needing birth control.
“Oh, uh, yeah I guess if I was being responsible, like I was trying to do, I should have asked about that… uhm… is it, like, an IUD or…”
Diego tilted his head up and ran his lips over Frankie’s jaw. “I had a tubal ligation when they did my Metoidioplasty.”
Metoidioplasty. Metoidioplasty. Metoidioplasty. Maybe if Frankie said it enough times in his head, he could remember the word to google it later.
“You know… you’re allowed to ask questions. You never really have, which is fine, but now you’re my boyfriend, and my parts are… well I mean, I hope they’re kind of important to you. Since you’ll hopefully be interacting with them as soon as I get my test results back?”