Page 107 of Zirkov
Shredded clothing sailed in all directions. After several hours of passionate love, Maggie ran her fingers over his chest muscles and stared into the eyes of her brave warrior. “Z, when we were on the bridge, I thought I was at the edge of a refreshing swimming pool. But you told me what I wanted to hear. Offered to marry me.”
“I needed to distract you long enough to pull you from the edge. But I did not lie. I wanted you. Then and now.”
“What if one day your mating cock rises for another woman and you see something in her that tells you for sureshe’syour sholani?”
“Magdalena, I’ve suspected… I’veknown… for some time, that you are my sholani. My mating cock not only rose for you, but I pleasured you with it to completion. That startled and confused me. Finishing inside you with my mating cock means there can be younglings between us. That is ultimately the point of a mating cock, to sire younglings.
“Before I touched you, I couldn’t allow myself to accept what my heart was saying. All males grow up relying on their mating cock, and without this ability, I… saw no path for me. I once told you a warrior must forge a path where none exists. While I still believe this, I looked at my future with a narrowed vision. Thanks to you, I now understand. There is often more than one path in life, especially to finding the truth. I no longerdoubt that you are my sholani. Even if my cock rises for another female, it could not possibly tear us apart.” He held her face in his hands. “Maggie, you told me that if I listened to my heart, I’d find my sholani one day. I found her. You.”
“No, you will let me finish. You once asked me what happens to a sholan if his sholani dies, if that loss would prevent him from ever knowing the love of a heartmate. I’ve heard of males who found a second sholani, but I didn’t truly understand the question until I lost you. Accepting that a male can find a second sholani, means the gods are more generous, more giving than we realize. It’s ironic how we search for our heartmate, but no one trusts their heart in finding her. You made me believe in myself and the gods again when I lost you. They were not punishing me, but testing me, much as I tested Stenikov. I needed him to find his way. And I, like Stenikov, needed to find mine. You, Magdalena, are mine and always will be. Youaremy sholani. I know this because I feel it not only in my mating cock, but in my soul.”
Maggie swiped at the tears running down her face but couldn’t find the words to express her feelings.
“Will you be mine, Maggie? Or is this our last time together?”
“I’ve been debating leaving Los Angeles, putting space between us so you could work at GI7 without anyone questioning your loyalty because of your association with me.”
When he opened his mouth to speak, she placed a finger over his lips. “I know you don’t worry about these things, but I do. I won’t be the cause of you losing something you love.”
“But I loveyou, Magdalena.”
She looked around the grand bedroom. “I can’t stay here.”
He nodded. “I won’t give up on you. You are a part of me. The best part.”
She sat up and grabbed hold of his horns. Silver eyes filled with doubt and concern waited for her to speak. She’d never seen him look so… lost.
“You misunderstand, Z. I can’t stay in this building. For as grand as it is, it’s not that house you call home. That’s where I want to be. With you, in that small, under-furnished place that you love so much.”
His hands slid up her back. “I love when you correct me.”
“Liar. You hate it.”
“In this case, I love it, Because it means I get to take you home to be mine.”
“Sorry to disappoint again, Z. But I’m already yours. Have been for a long time. You just weren’t ready to see it.”
“My stubborn Magdalena, I will defer to you on this matter.”
“Until the next issue, right?” she asked before kissing him.
“Drekk, you’re a difficult female.” His horns tilted as far back as she’d ever seen. Then, his lips pressed against her neck. “Difficult or not, you are mine, and I’m never letting go.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Z. Yours. Always, and forevermore…”
“You are tense,” Zirkov said as he and Maggie walked through the woods surrounding the cabins and lake rented for the DAA’s annual retreat.
“The last time I came to one of these, I was a marshal. Now I’m…”
He kissed her forehead. “You’re the same person you were before. And if anyone says or does anything to insult you, I will gladly correct them.”
“How, precisely? You’re not one to negotiate. In fact, why did you even want to come to this? You never came in the past.”