Page 110 of Zirkov
“Yes, it is.”
“So, when I did this to you over the past few years, you found me annoying?”
“Very much.”
“Why didn’t you stop me?”
“I was happy to have any contact with you, even your finger poking me.”
He was still poking her with his finger. “You can stop now.”
“Not until you say yes to going back to work with me.”
“I won’t be strong-armed, or fingered—hell, that doesn’t sound right—”
“I think it’s an excellent idea.” A huge grin slid onto his face as a hand slid down her body.
She shoved him back. “Keep your fingers away from me, at least until I finish talking. As I was saying, I won’t be strong-armedinto working with someone who refuses to follow the rules. But I’ll give you a chance to convince me.”
“I follow the rules. The ones that aren’t stupid. What do you propose?”
“A game of hide-and-seek. You give me a five-minute head start. Then, you’ll have three minutes to find me. If you do, I’ll return to work with GI7 as the liaison officer. But if you don’t find me, you say yes to what I’m planning to do, without knowing the details.”
He lost his smile.
“What’s wrong? You don’t trust me?”
“I trust you, vasha, and I would never stop you from doing what your heart desires. But the bet is not fair to you. You cannot win. I will find you. I will always find you.”
She locked her hands around his neck before kissing him. “Then I guess I win either way.”
He pressed his lips to hers in one final kiss, then turned her around and swatted her ass. “Go, female. You have five minutes before I track you and make you mine again.”
“The bet was whether I’d work for you.”
“Oh, you will work for me. On your hands and knees.”
“But that’s not—”
“Four minutes.”
“Shit.” Maggie took off, darting through the woods, not sure where she could hide that he wouldn’t find her. Trails and cabins were scattered throughout the area but he had a keen sense of smell. Crossing paths with a skunk would be perfect right about now. Then again, she had to decide if she wanted him to catch her or not, especially since she wasn’t sure what the wager was at this point. She didn’t want to go back to work as a liaison officer.
That settled it; she needed to outmaneuver Zirkov.
Maggie ran straight toward the BBQ party taking place over by the firepit. Some of the men stoked the bonfire while others carried the hot dogs, burgers, and alcohol from the main lodge. If she could blend in with the crowd, the smoke and smells of all the people and food would hopefully mask her scent. But she needed a good hiding spot, too.
“Hey, Maggie, are you eating with us?” Shaunda asked. “I brought a blueberry pie.”
“Shaunda!” She gave the analyst a big hug. “Of all the times to tempt me, damn! I’m in the middle of a bet. I need a place to hide. But save me some pie.”
“Will do!”
Maggie scanned the trees for one with enough branches for climbing. Then she spotted a deer stand at the edge of the festivities. Perfect!
She climbed the wood slats nailed into the tree trunk and pushed open the hatch in the floor. The tree stand had camouflaged netting around the sides so she could watch the party from high up and spot Zirkov.
Her heart raced as she waited for him to emerge from the woods, but he never did. Had Thomson and McCarthy returned and started a fight with him? Thomson had been sincere, but McCarthy….