Page 79 of Zirkov
Four hands.
“No other weapons,” the og’dal announced as he released her. The blond-haired male then tucked his two lower arms inside his oversized leather coat, demonstrating how easily og’dals passed for humans and the reason the military could never find those who slipped through Earth’s defenses.
“Tur’Hez, check the stairs to make sure no one followed her,” another og’dal ten feet off to her right ordered. This male had dark hair, graying at the temples, and appeared ten years older than the guy who’d frisked her.
The younger male handed her Glock to the og’dal with the cold brown eyes. When the older male gripped her gun with a gloved hand, a memory stirred.
“Var’Len,” the name fell from Maggie’s lips.
“You remember me. That will make this conversation easier. I wasn’t sure how much memory you’d retain after the humans removed the neurosphere.”
Her stomach turned. This was the guy behind everything. “I don’t remember much, but I’m sure we’ve met.”
His lower set of arms swept wide. “On this very roof. Many times. You’ve been a good soldier, human.”
“What do you want from me and how did you know I’d be here? I didn’t get a message.”
His lower right hand withdrew a yellow rose from inside his coat.
“The roses… That’s how you got me to do your bidding?”
Var’Len brought the flower to his nose and inhaled. “A marvelous creation, one of very few on this horrid planet. The other are the females. On my first assignment here, I discovered how roses easily gain the attention of human females.”
“So you used them. And me.”
“The roses triggered you to come up here for your assignments. The neurosphere ensured you followed my orders.”
“Bruce. I’m going to kill him.”
“He is not your concern.”
“Killing me will only ensure your death. GI7 will hunt you down.”
“You misunderstand your purpose, my little soldier. I don’t wish to kill you. You’ve been an incredible asset. Come, Marshal Walsh. We have work to do.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“You haven’t even heard what the job is.” He snapped his fingers at Tur’Hez. “My human needs a weapon.”
“Sounds good to me,” Maggie said. “Return my Glock.”
“And there’s that sense of humor I’ve enjoyed in our meetings.” His grin disappeared, replaced with a cold, hard expression as Tur’Hez strode toward her with a long thin metal device four inches long. One end held a glass bulb with a dark red worm-like creature slithering around in a pale green solution. She didn’t know what the hell it was, only that she couldn’t let it near her.
“Ah, so you remember Sartog’s Sin? It’s been a while since you’ve had any,” Var’Len said.
Both males had weapons and there were only two ways off this roof. The stairs, which Var’Len blocked. And the sides of the building.
“You no longer control me, Var’Len.”
“This is true, but I can make all the evidence against you disappear. One last job, human, and then you can be free of me.”
“Whatever you have planned, GI7 will stop you. Like every time you used me to leak information. You didn’t kidnap or kill a single witness.”
“Those were distractions we created to keep GI7 busy.”
“Who’s we?”
“Bu’Tay and Pe’Dez, among a few others. I assume you remember them.”