Page 12 of Dark Daze
"Frankie," Ric greeted an older man with a smile.
Frankie, who was emptying a glass washing machine, jumped and turned around, a glass in each hand.
The moment he saw Ric and Gunnar, he knew he was fucked. What he didn't know was how fucked. So, rather than panic and run, he put the glasses down and clasped his hands together.
"Good morning, gentlemen. I'm not open yet, but I can make an exception for you two."
His eyes widened slightly when he saw me. "Three. Sorry, I didn't see you there." Now he had, he didn't seem able to look away. Especially from my breasts.
"We don't want anything to drink," Ric said smoothly.
"I do." I rested my elbows on the bar and scanned the bottles that lined a shelf on the back wall. "Bourbon and cola. Please." I smiled sweetly, but with an air of menace.
I'd been on plenty of visits like this before, and it was all coming back to me. Like riding a bike or whatever.
"Of course," Frankie spoke with a faint Irish lilt, and moved quickly to get my drink.
"Well, if Daze is going to have one, I'll have a beer," Ric said.
"Me too." Gunnar stepped up beside me and placed his hand on the back of my neck.
Frankie hurried to get those as well. "I presume this isn't a social call." He looked ready to pee his pants.
"Nope." Ric sipped his beer like he was in no hurry. "I heard a rumour you might have received some money from a certain party. One who wanted you to launder it for them. But you wouldn't do that, would you? Because you only do that for me."
Frankie swallowed audibly. "I… It was just one time. He was desperate and he helped me out with some things."
"I heard it was more than once." Ric raised his eyebrows at the quivering man.
"Maybe twice," Frankie admitted.
"Ah, twice." Ric nodded. "In that case, Gunnar here gets to break two of your fingers. Unless Daisy would prefer to do the honours." He nodded towards me.
Frankie backed up a couple of steps. "Please—"
"I'm happy to let Gunnar do it," I said easily. This life was trying its best to suck me back in, but I wasn't ready to go that far. Yet. As it was, I was about ready to ruin my panties.
Ric nodded to Gunnar. "I'll let you choose which fingers to break."
Frankie looked like he was going to cry.
I should have had sympathy for him, I really should, but he would have gone to Ric for help in the first place. That was how it worked. Ric never went to anyone. He’d help, but he made the rules and they accepted them. Frankie knew the consequence if he tried to screw him over.
The crack of his breaking bones made me shiver, but not with disgust.
It made me burn like a volcano ready to erupt.
"Fuck, that was awesome." Bella leaned against the wall, swept a bunch of her heavy skirt aside and tugged off her heels.
"A bachelorette party with ball gowns was pretty fucking cool idea." I went for simple elegance. Ankle length, tight fitting, black, with a plunging neckline.
Bella was dressed like Cinderella. If Cinderella wore a black dress and a headband with condoms taped to it.
"Of course it was." She giggled and almost fell over as she straightened up. "I might have had a drink or two too many."
"You're right at the bottom of the bottle of vodka," I told her.