Page 20 of Dark Daze
She looked at me like she didn't believe a word.
"Maybe you should ask him," I suggested. "Or have Vinny talk to him if they're such good friends." Ric would have told Vinny about Nova by now, wouldn’t he? If Vinny said anything to Bella, she would have mentioned it the moment she saw me this morning.
That was between the two of them. I’d stay the fuck out of it.
"Right." She tugged the sides of the bag away from the dress and held it out to me. "See, isn't it cute?"
"It's fine," I said. I took it from her and lay it over the back of a chair while I stripped off my shorts, T-shirt and black, lacy bra.
"Fine?" she echoed. "Has anyone ever told you you're hard to please?" A sly smile crept onto her face. "Did Hilton tell you that?"
I made a disgusted face and stepped into the dress. I turned so she could do it up at the back, then looked at my reflection in the mirror.
Cute was not the right word. It was so low in the front, it barely covered my nipples. The skirt fell to just above my knees.
She stood behind me and said, "You look smoking hot." Her brow creased. "I don't think I can let you wear it. You’ll look hotter than I will."
I looked fucking hot, but I snorted anyway. "No one will even notice me. Their eyes will be on you the whole time." That was stretching it, and we both knew it, but she seemed to like my answer. Truthfully, at least half the men at the wedding would want to get meoutof this dress. At least half of the women too.
Good. Ric, Gunnar and Hilton could all drool over what they'd thrown away. Assholes.
"You look like you're about to stab someone in the eyeball," Bella said.
I grimaced at my reflection. Yeah, Ididlook angry. Iwasangry, but I reminded myself this was her time to shine. I needed to dial my shit back for a while.
"You can take the girl out of Dusk Bay but you can't take Dusk Bay out of the girl," I said. "Don't we all look like we're about to stab someone in the eyeball?"
"I'd prefer to stab them in the balls," she said. "Get them where it really hurts."
"I don't know, but I suspect being stabbed in the eyeball would hurt," I said.
"Not for long though," she pointed out. "Watching them writhe around in pain is much more satisfying than a quick death."
"Sadistic, but true." I could think of three guys who I would happily stab in the balls right now. Okay, two. I wouldn't live very long if I killed or maimed Caleb's pet.
"Okay, tell me what's wrong," she insisted. "I know you're not moody because you need to get laid. Are you cranky because you'll have to go back to Melbourne in a few days?”
She popped out a hip and locked a firm, expectant gaze onto me. “You're only going back long enough to pack and come back here, right?"
"I don't know." I started to get out of the dress. "I haven't thought about it." That was a flat out lie. I hadn't thought about anything else.
I grabbed the dress before it could fall to the floor and handed it to Bella to put back on the hanger. I reached for my bra as a knock sounded on the door. A second later it was pushed open and Gunnar stepped inside.
His eyes immediately went to me, standing in only my panties.
I met his gaze, unflinching, my chin raised. When my nipples pebbled, it wasn't just because of the cool air in the room. I still wanted to stab him, let’s get that clear, but he was too hot for anyone’s own good.
"Daisy, they said you'd be in here. Sorry to interrupt but we need to talk." He didn't look very sorry. The way he was eying my breasts, he was anything but.
"I have nothing to say to you," I said coldly.
"That's bullshit," Bella said. "Whatever is going on, clear the fucking air. Screw each other. Whatever you need to do to get it out of your system. I'm not having you be miserable at my wedding. Sort it out." She hung the dress back up and stomped out of the room.
The door banged shut behind her.
I crossed my arms under my breasts, pushing them up slightly. I had nothing to be ashamed of. If he had a problem with me being half naked, he could turn away.
"So talk," I said coolly. "Do it quickly, I have better things to do."