Page 103 of Rogue Villain
Her lips twitch. “Before. Lunch was half celebratory, half apology. I felt so bad for forcing Jules to bring me.”
“His face when you pulled the gun was priceless.”
Her expression is the epitome of confusion. “But how did you…”
She trails off, clearly connecting the dots as her eyes lighten in comprehension. “Hidden cameras! Genius.”
“I was particularly impressed with you recording her confession. Nice touch.”
We share a grin before she slides off my lap, snuggling against my side in the crook of my arm.
“What’ll happen to Oliver Creswell?” She angles her face up to mine, popping a devilish brow. “I could pay him a visit, too.”
I throw my head back as a booming laugh spills from my throat. When I look back at her, she’s smiling broadly, light dancing in her eyes, and I take a mental picture of her right at this moment, committing it to memory alongside all the other moments I’ve stolen.
“I have absolutely no doubt that you could, but I think by the time you get there, you’d find he’s already been dealt with.
Her brows crease. “What do you mean?”
“Jules and Jo are handling it as we speak. Ford is very put out that he was needed to manage downstairs and couldn’t join them.”
Her jaw drops, and she blinks rapidly in disbelief before she settles more firmly in against my side. “I still think I’d have been the better choice.”
* * *
A short two days after my visit to Lucia, Vaughn announces that he feels it’s time to be back at the helm, much to Ford’s—and my—delight.
“How does it feel to be back where you belong?”
His forehead puckers as he deadpans.
“I’m running inventory inRapturethis morning.Solo, because Randolf has the stomach flu or some crap, so I’d say it feels just as shit as usual.”
“You realize you could just hire someone else to do it, right?”
He looks at me in muted horror as though the thought has never occurred to him, and I shake my head as I wrap my arms around his waist. Iknowmy heart is in my eyes as I take him in, all six feet five inches of my hot man in his impeccable black suit.
“Let me help you.”
A chuckle rumbles through his chest. “It’sboringas fuck, beautiful girl.” He peers down at me as he pinches my chin gently between his thumb and index finger. “You’re welcome to join, but I promise you won’t enjoy it.”
My smile is wide and genuine. “If it’s time spent with you, then I can promise you I’ll love it.”
Those two dimples appear, making my heart sing. “Come on then.”
We make our way downstairs, hand in hand. The staff area is practically empty at this time of the morning, though we get several smiles as we venture into an emptyRapture.
“We’ll start over here.” He makes his way behind the long bar, grabbing an iPad as he goes before turning to me, looking me up and down.
“How I’ll get through any inventory when you’re looking at me like that is a damn mystery.”
My grin is utterly shit-eating as my eyes dance with mirth. “Looking at you like what,Mr. Burton?”
“Like you want me to rail you against the bar.” He prowls closer, his gaze darkening as a shiver runs through me. “Like you want me to fuck your tight little throat until you’re choking on my cum. Like you—”
He’s cut off when my cell begins to ring, and my shoulders sag in deflation. We’ve not been intimate since the attack, and myGod, his filthy words have made me wetter than a tsunami.