Page 114 of Rogue Villain
My hands itch with the desire to shut this place, and all others like it, down for good.
Instead, I keep quiet, following the goons who surround me deeper inside Saturn, manifesting thatsomedayI’ll have not only the financial means to see that desire come to fruition, but also thepower.
The goon on my right steps forward, leading us to a door that he opens slowly to display a tall, thin, exceptionally pale man with curly blonde hair. He’s wearing an impeccably tailored light blue suit as he converses with someone out of my view.
“He’s here, Mr. Fritz.” That’s the goon at my rear. His words see Fritz pivot to face me with a sickeningly saccharine smile on his face. He’d be considered classically handsome if it weren’t for the utter lack of emotion behind his eyes.
“Ah, the elusive Mr. Burton.” He twists his head to one side, looking me up and down. “Younger than I’d have anticipated. Though you seem to have inherited your father’s balls of steel.”
I stand tall and silent, something inside of me telling me to bite back the retort that dangles on the tip of my tongue, and he steps closer.
“In this instance, you’d have been wise to meet with me on my first request. Your friend here—”
My stomach lurches when a fourth goon hauls my bound and gagged best friend out into view. Renzo’s eyes are frantic and filled with apology, and it takes everything inside of me to keep my feet rooted to this spot.
“Mr. Caputo here has given us the perfect opportunity to open negotiations. Wouldn’t you agree?”
My teeth are tightly clenched when I nod sharply, giving him the barest grunt of assent.
Fritz’s face flushes as he clasps his hands in barely contained glee. “Let’s not beat around the bush. I want those auction rooms reopenedimmediately.”
I grit my teeth as my nostrils flare. “Why not do it yourself, Fritz? Whymyclub, I don’t—”
“All you need to understand is that there’spowerin information. Power that I’ve become accustomed to having, and those auctions are the key.”
He arches a pale blonde brow. “Tell me, what is thatyouwant, and let’s be done?”
Handing over power to the man before me isnotsomething I’m keen on doing, but given the circumstances, I’m left without a choice.
“Give me my brother back in one piece.” My eyes find Lorenzo’s, silently promising him that it will all be okay before I shift my gaze back to Fritz, finding his hand outstretched.
“You have yourself a deal, Mr. Burton.”
His goon begins to untie Renzo as I take Fritz’s waiting hand, only for Fritz to jerk me closer, snarling into my face.
“And the next time you’re summoned, you’ll do as you’re told. After all…” His grimace morphs into a malevolent smirk. “Pets come when called.”
I swallow as I nod, forcing myself to make eye contact until Fritz tugs his hand from mine, clicking his fingers for his man to bring Renzo closer.
“Thank you for finally answering my calling card, Mr. Caputo. You could teach your friend here a thing or two about obedience. You may come in useful when it comes to keeping him in line.”
Renzo’s jaw tics before the goon handling him pushes him forward with such momentum that he lands on his knees with a thud.
I quickly pluck him from the floor, nodding at a stock-still Fritz before turning and making for the door, back the way I’d come.
Renzo turns his wide blue eyes to me. “I’m sorry, V. I never meant to—”
“Oh, and Burton…”
Fritz’s words cut off Lorenzo, and we both spin slowly around to find several handguns leveled right at us. I immediately put my body in front of Renzo’s.
“You said I could have him back in one piece.”
Fritz smiles sadistically. “And yougothim back in one piece, if I’m not mistaken.”
My heart hammers against my chest as my mind races, trying to find a way out of this.
“Allow us to leave or kill me. But let this man go free.”