Page 96 of Rogue Villain
Am I really about to buythatfor the woman I’m…screwing?
I shake my head at how fucking absurd I am, but keep going regardless, noting that as it’s almost time for the store to close, I’m the only customer.
A blonde saleswoman approaches me with a wide smile. “Is there anything I can help you with today, sir?”
“Yes, I would like to purchase some lingerie for my Wren.”
Her smile remains plastered to her face, even as her eyes blink a few too many times before she haltingly enquires, “And do you have anything in particular in mind?”
“The black one in the window display.”
She walks farther inside the store, gesturing for me to follow after her. “Oh yes, our bondage bodysuits are a firm favorite.”
I press my lips together in an attempt to subdue the cat-who-got-the-cream grin that threatens to overtake my face as visions of Wren assail me. Her hands bound with my belt, her heel-clad feet on either side of my head, at my complete mercy on the night I took her for my own.
“And do you know the size of your…umm, your Wren?”
I open my mouth to answer, my face falling into a frown, shoulders slumping when I realize I can’t quite recall.
I hold my hands out in front of my chest, cupping my fake tits with a hangdog expression. “Maybe a little over a handful.”
She raises an eyebrow, as if to say,are you shitting me right now, but her words belie the skepticism in her eyes. “Oh-kay, I can absolutely help you.”
Ford’s voice murmurs in my ear, “She’s a 34D, idiot.”
“How thefuckdo you know that?”
The sales assistant’s brows almost hit her hairline. “I’m sorry, butwhatdid you say to me?”
Fucking Ford.
My smile of apology is more like a grimace. “I’m terribly sorry. What I meant to say was, I think she’s a 34D.”
She purses her lips suspiciously before giving me her back, clearly intent on finding the required item and getting the fuck rid of me.
“It’s my job to know everything. And besides, I’m the idiot who set up that damn studio because you don’t trust anyone else in your apartment.” Ford’s whisper is filled with barely contained laughter. “But that shit was absolutely priceless.”
Once she’s rang me up and I’ve paid, I leave the store with a slightly throbbing temple, ready to give my head of security a piece of my goddamn mind.
“You cock-sucking son of a—”
My insult is cut short when there’s a sudden blow to the back of my head, and I stumble forward, somehow managing to keep upright.
“What the—”
A second blow lands on the heels of the first, and I pitch forward, knocking my head off the curb before sprawling face-down on the pavement.
I manage to glance up as sticky blood clouds my vision, finding four men in black ski masks bearing down on me. Despite my ringing head in the aftermath of not one buttwosucker punches, I manage to kick out, hitting one assailant square in the nuts.
Ford’s voice is in my ears, frantically asking what’s wrong as one of my attackers falls to the pavement with a heavy thud. But the other three continue their assault.
I can make out muffled shouting as a passerby tries to stop the insanity, but the hits keep on coming.
Blows land on my head as I attempt to cover it with my arms. Kicks rain down on my torso, and I curl in on myself, trying desperately to shield myself from the worst of the assault. The world is spinning round and round as I clench my eyes and grit my teeth.
And then, there’s only the numbness of blessed darkness.